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Performant, flexible, and accurate re-hosting via transplantation


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This repository contains the code for SURGEON, aiming to enable high performance, high fidelity re-hosting for embedded systems' firmware.

SURGEON was presented at BAR '24 (paper).


We assume an up-to-date Ubuntu system (Jammy Jellyfish, 22.04 LTS) as the base system. You should be able to follow any instructions below with a Debian installation, different Ubuntu versions or other distributions as well, but your mileage may vary.

You should have a current version of Docker and its compose plugin installed. If not, please follow the instructions in the Docker documentation.

For all features (including cross-building), enable BuildKit by either setting the environment variable DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 or adding the following snippet to /etc/docker/daemon.json and restarting the daemon:

    "features": {
        "buildkit": true

Afterwards, enable cross-compilation/cross-execution by registering the corresponding binfmt handlers through a Docker container:

# Register the QEMU backend with binfmt
sudo docker run --rm --privileged \
         multiarch/qemu-user-static \
         --reset \
         -p yes

Please note that this configuration does not survive reboots of your host kernel and needs to be re-executed on every boot. If you would like to make this setting persistent, please check how to register binfmt handlers leveraging qemu-user binaries persistently through systemd-binfmt, update-binfmts, or whatever other mechanism your distribution/init system provides.

If sudo docker buildx ls after this step shows you an active builder instance (ideally, the default instance) that supports the target Arm architectures, you're good to go. If not, create and enable a cross-builder as follows:

# Create a cross-builder instance
sudo docker buildx create \
         --name armcross \
         --node armcross \
         --platform linux/amd64,linux/i368,linux/arm64,linux/arm/v7 \

To check whether everything worked, the following command should yield aarch64 as output:

sudo docker run --rm -it --platform linux/arm64 ubuntu:rolling uname -m


If the below subsections don't answer your questions, check the main Makefile (i.e., make help) for building and running the code.

Building the Docker image and running the container

make build builds the image, make run spawns a container.

Specify the firmware to run via the FIRMWARE variable which takes the path relative to the firmware directory as a value. For example, to run the P2IM CNC firmware in SURGEON, you only need to invoke make run FIRMWARE=p2im/cnc. This runs a single instance of the firmware and connects the peripheral inputs and outputs to your stdin and stdout, respectively.

For fuzzing, just replace run with run-fuzz in the command above, e.g., make run-fuzz FIRMWARE=p2im/cnc. This will spawn a container with AFL++ fuzzing the specified firmware for 24 hours.


Attaching via GDB

No matter your host architecture (in theory; tested only on amd64 and aarch64), make debug FIRMWARE=... spawns the runtime either wrapped in qemu-arm or gdbserver (provided that you built the runtime beforehand and rewrote the firmware binary, e.g., with a run of make run FIRMWARE=...), both listening on localhost:1234.

To debug, run an Arm-capable gdb on your host1 (e.g., aarch64-linux-gnu-gdb, arm-none-eabi-gdb or gdb-multiarch) and execute target remote :1234 in the gdb prompt. From there on, you should be attached to the gdb stub in the container and can use gdb as usual. In order to get the symbols right, launch gdb on the runtime executable or add it with gdb's file command and add the firmware symbols with gdb's add-symbol-file command. An exemplary gdb startup command line you can copy-paste into your shell could look as follows:

gdb-multiarch -iex "set confirm off" \
         -iex "add-symbol-file <path_to_rewritten_fw_binary>" \
         -ex "target remote :1234" \

Increasing Debug Output

By default, not much is logged to stdout in order to reduce the frequency of corresponding syscalls and therefore speed up fuzzing campaigns. For debugging purposes, we recommend increasing the log level for the handlers in the corresponding if you are using the HALucinator Python handlers for peripheral emulation.

Note that for native handlers, we increase/reduce debug output automatically based on the use case.
make run FIRMWARE=... will build a runtime with debug output in the native handlers enabled, make run-fuzz FIRMWARE=... for the fuzzing campaigns will build a runtime with debug output in the native handlers disabled. make debug FIRMWARE=... takes the last version of the runtime that has been built, no matter whether the runtime has been targeted for single runs or for fuzzing campaigns.

General Re-hosting Workflow

  1. The autogen module needs to be invoked to generate the necessary C code to be compiled into the runtime from the configuration files.
  2. The runtime needs to be compiled and linked. This step also extracts the addresses of certain functions from the linked binary in order to provide them as jump targets to the rewriter.
  3. The rewriter processes the firmware binary and uses the addresses generated in step 2 for any jump targets (e.g., the HAL function dispatcher).

Our build system takes care of the order of those steps and any dependencies between them.


Unless otherwise specified in the file header, all code and other documents in this repository are subject to the MIT license. Please check the license file for more information.


  1. Running gdb inside of Docker will by default not work due to restrictions when accessing the ptrace API. If you are willing to fiddle with the Docker container's permissions/capabilities, you should be able to get that working as well, though. For simplicity, we recommend running gdb on the host.


Performant, flexible, and accurate re-hosting via transplantation







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