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HexCorp Mxtress AI


  • Python 3.11
  • pip
  • python-setuptools
  • pycord 2.4.1

To install all Python dependencies you can use pip. Just enter pip install -r requirements.txt in the project directory.

Note: We use Python 3.11+ so if your system does have multiple versions installed, you may have to specify which installation to use e.g. python3.11 and pip3.11.

Building and deploying with Docker


To build a Docker image, simply invoke:

docker image build --tag mxtress_ai:latest .


Running the Discord bot in a Docker container is simple, though care must be given to expose the Discord API key and bot database to the runtime. Assuming the ai.db file is present in the current working directory, run the following:

docker run \
    --name HiveMxtressAI \
    --detach \
    --restart always \
    --env DISCORD_ACCESS_TOKEN=(bot token) \
    --volume /absolute/path/to/the/repo/ai.db:/var/opt/HexCorpDiscordAI/ai.db \

Building and running with system Python

To start the bot you can enter the following command in the project root:

python3.11 <access_token>


To update the current production instance of the AI you have to:

  1. Kill the running process
  2. Navigate into the project repo
  3. git fetch
  4. git checkout <NEW_VERSION>
  5. cd ..
  6. sh

Tips for development

Containerised Development

To develop in a container, download the git repository and then run code . to launch Visual Studio Code. Select "Reopen in Container" when prompted.

This will build a Docker container with Python, Git, the required Python packages, and VSCode extensions.

The project code is mounted from the host into: /workspaces/HexCorpDiscordAI/


The Discord bot uses an SQLite3 database to persist runtime data. A graphical database client is recommended to easily view its contents.

When performing database schema changes, create a new SQL file in the res/db/migrate/ directory. The schema filename should adhere to the naming convention therein, with an incremented four-digit sequence number. Any schema files which have not been applied yet will be applied in ordered sequence when starting the bot.

In the event of database corruption, simply remove the ai.db file; the database will be recreated with the res/db/migrate/ schema files the next time the bot is started.


The global log object provides functions for each of the standard log levels:

  • debug
  • info
  • warning
  • error
  • critical

They accept an error message as the first parameter, followed by arbitrary positional and keyword arguments to be appended to the log message.

Internally the logger maintains a per-execution-context stack of logging contexts. Entering a new logging context will cause all subsequent log messages within that context to be prefixed with the context's description.

Logging contexts are stored per execution context, and so are safe to use with async functions.

Basic usage is:

# Import the global logging instance.
import log from src.Log

# Log a basic message with associated data.
log.error('Something went wrong', example_data='test')

To add additional context information use:

import LoggingContext from src.Log

# Start a new logging context with additional information.
with LoggingContext('Doing a thing...'):

Unit Testing

Run tests using ./

This project has a custom test harness called Mocks to mock interaction with Discord.

The Mocks class creates a mock guild and mock bot. Additionally created mock objects will be automatically added to the guild where appropriate.

The Mocks Class

The Mocks class can create mocks of these objects:

  • Guild
  • Drone
  • Channel
  • CategoryChannel
  • Role
  • Member
  • Message
  • Battery Type
  • DroneMember
  • DroneOrder
  • Storage
  • Timer
  • Emoji

All mock creation functions allow you to pass in arbitrary keyword parameters to set properties on the mock, for example:

member = mocks.member(display_name='Test Member')

There are also helper functions:

  • get_guild(): Get the mock guild instance.
  • get_bot(): Get the testing bot instance.
  • get_cog(): Get the Cog command being tested.
  • hive_mxtress(): Create a DroneMember with the Hive Mxtress role.

Testing Cogs

To test a Cog:

  1. Use the @cog() decorator.
  2. Create a Member that is the author of the command message.
  3. Create a mock command message.
  4. Run the command using assert_command_successful()
  5. Perform assertions.

Using command() instead of message() automatically adds COMMAND_PREFIX to the message text.

The mock context exposed as mocks.get_bot().context. This allows you to check messages sent by context.send().

Note that there was no need to patch any functions. The @cog decorator patches the DroneMember parameter converter so that if the command references any members, they are loaded from the mock guild.

import unittest
from test.cog import cog
from test.mocks import Mocks
# from my_cog import MyCog

class TestMyCog(unittest.IsolatedAsyncioTestCase):

    async def test_my_cog(self, mocks: Mocks):
        Test the command "hc!do_something".

        # Create the mock author of the message.
        author = mocks.member()

        # Create the message that triggers the command.
        message = mocks.command(author, 'general', 'do_something')

        # Execute the command.
        await self.assert_command_successful(message)

        # Perform assertions.
        # In this case, assert that a reply was sent.

Linting and syntax highlighting

The Python tool flake8 is used to lint the codebase. To perform linting locally, one may install the tool using pip3 install flake8; invoking it is as simple as running flake8 in the project root.

If using an IDE for development, it is highly recommended to set up flake8 to benefit from syntax highlighting.

Continuous integration

All commits pushed to the repository upstream pass through GitHub's continuous integration pipeline, as per the file .github/workflows/continuous-integration.yml. The project will go through the following stages in the pipeline:

  1. The codebase will be linted with flake8.
  2. Unit tests will be invoked with the script.
  3. The unit test coverage metrics from the above step will be measured; 60% coverage of the codebase must be met .

All steps must pass in order for a commit to be accepted.


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