Debug Dyson Sphere Program Mods
DSP_ROOT is your folder Steam\steamapps\common\Dyson Sphere Program
Check Unity version of the game you have. See Detail of DSP_ROOT\DSPGame.exe.
download correct version of unity In this case, we need download 2018.4.12. Choose Unity Editor 64-bit, the download will start automatically.
After download done, use 7zip unpack file. In this case, the filename is UnitySetup64-2018.4.12f1.exe.
Locate to [UnpackFolder]\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\windowsstandalonesupport\Variations\win64_development_mono
Copy UnityPlayer.dll to DSP_Helmod\Build\Debug -
Backup DSP,
Copy DSP_ROOT\UnityPlayer.dll to DSP_Helmod\Build\Release
Copy DSP_ROOT\DSPGAME_Data\boot.config to DSP_Helmod\Build\Release\DSPGAME_Data
Prepare debug, Copy DSP_ROOT\DSPGAME_Data\boot.config to DSP_Helmod\Build\Debug\DSPGAME_Data
Use text editor open DSP_Helmod\Build\Debug\DSPGAME_Data\boot.config Add:
wait-for-managed-debugger=1 player-connection-debug=1
Ensure you installed Extract content folder\BepInExPack in game Folder
Rebuild mod, and execute DSP_Helmod\Build\CopyDll.bat. To obtain .mdb file execute
DSP_Helmod\Build\pdb2mdb.exe DSP_Helmod.dll
In Visual Studio you can build automaticaly, set post-build
$(ProjectDir)\Build\pdb2mdb.exe $(TargetPath) $(ProjectDir)\Build\CopyDll.bat $(ConfigurationName) $(ProjectDir) $(TargetPath)
Launch DSP game
Go to Visual Studio 2019, click menu Debug/Attach Unity Debugger A "Select Unity instance" dialog will show you some thing like..
Project Machine Type Port Information WindowsPlayer Your_PC_Name Player 56593 PID:xxxx -
Click OK on Debug messagebox
Troubles if error "Failed to load mono" check DSPGAME_Data\boot.config