Slack channel: #snow_modeling
Binder URL: SUMMA_on_Pangeo
- Andrew Bennett (Project Lead)
- Nicoleta Cristea
- Deena Hannoun-Giffen
- Andrew Hedrick
- Anne Heggli
- Bart Nijssen
- Steven Pestana
- SUMMA (the Structure for Unifying Multiple Modeling Alternatives) is a integrated snow hydrology model written in Fortran. As such, PySUMMA was developed as a python wrapper to the compiled Fortran code. This workgroup will explore a variety of fundamental yet important science questions relating to the snowpack energy balance.
- CUES (CRREL/UCSB Energy Site) energy balance site, Mammoth Mountain, California [elev. 2940 m]
- How are different model configurations sensitive to forcing data?
- Impact of layer thickness - Loop through different formulations of layer thicknesses and numbers.
- Derive albedo parameter distribution informed by Bayesian analysis of outputs.
- Multiple water years (i.e. different climatologies) will have different effects on model parameterizations.
- Different snow regimes will display varying sensitivities to changes in parameterizations. ...
pysumma - This links to a specific version of @arbennett's code which has support for running ensembles of SUMMA runs.
SUMMA - This links to the SUMMA model page on HydroShare.
- Essery et al 2012: A comparison of 1701 snow models using observations from an alpine site
- Clark et al 2015a: A unified approach for process-based hydrologic modeling: 1. Modeling concept
- Clark et al 2015b: A unified approach for process-based hydrologic modeling: 2. Model implementation and case studies
- Bair et al 2015: CUES—a study site for measuring snowpack energy balance in the Sierra Nevada