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aartaka committed Dec 27, 2024
1 parent cfdbae6 commit f4089d7
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Showing 4 changed files with 142 additions and 0 deletions.
38 changes: 38 additions & 0 deletions src/hs_ui/svg/choice.cljc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
(ns hs-ui.svg.choice)

(def svg
{:width "16",
:height "17",
:viewBox "0 0 16 17",
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:xmlns ""}
{:clip-path "url(#clip0_858_18912)"}
"M1.21109 6.84206C1.04758 7.0054 0.917866 7.19937 0.829365 7.41287C0.740865 7.62638 0.695313 7.85523 0.695312 8.08635C0.695313 8.31747 0.740865 8.54632 0.829365 8.75983C0.917866 8.97333 1.04758 9.1673 1.21109 9.33064L6.7502 14.8698C6.91354 15.0333 7.10751 15.163 7.32101 15.2515C7.53452 15.34 7.76337 15.3855 7.99449 15.3855C8.22561 15.3855 8.45446 15.34 8.66797 15.2515C8.88147 15.163 9.07544 15.0333 9.23878 14.8698L14.7779 9.33064C14.9414 9.1673 15.0711 8.97333 15.1596 8.75983C15.2481 8.54632 15.2937 8.31747 15.2937 8.08635C15.2937 7.85523 15.2481 7.62638 15.1596 7.41287C15.0711 7.19937 14.9414 7.0054 14.7779 6.84206L9.23878 1.30295C9.07544 1.13944 8.88147 1.00972 8.66797 0.921223C8.45446 0.832723 8.22561 0.78717 7.99449 0.78717C7.76337 0.78717 7.53452 0.832723 7.32101 0.921223C7.10751 1.00972 6.91354 1.13944 6.7502 1.30295L1.21109 6.84206Z",
:stroke "currentColor",
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{:fill-rule "evenodd",
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"M8.18179 5.7278C7.86175 5.67291 7.5326 5.73305 7.25265 5.89758C6.9727 6.06211 6.76001 6.32041 6.65225 6.62673C6.53771 6.95235 6.18089 7.12346 5.85527 7.00891C5.52965 6.89437 5.35854 6.53754 5.47309 6.21192C5.6788 5.62713 6.08484 5.13402 6.6193 4.81992C7.15375 4.50581 7.78212 4.391 8.39312 4.4958C9.00411 4.6006 9.5583 4.91826 9.95753 5.39251C10.3567 5.8667 10.5752 6.46684 10.5743 7.08667C10.574 8.08475 9.83365 8.74761 9.29602 9.10602C9.00813 9.29795 8.72468 9.43923 8.51567 9.53213C8.41028 9.57897 8.32158 9.61449 8.25777 9.6388C8.08575 9.70433 8.22306 9.66463 8.14777 9.67866C8.20338 9.66012 8.22643 9.6509 8.14777 9.67866C7.8203 9.78781 7.46556 9.6111 7.35641 9.28364C7.2474 8.9566 7.42377 8.60314 7.75042 8.49349L7.75172 8.49305L7.76242 8.4893C7.77295 8.48555 7.79005 8.47935 7.81278 8.47069C7.85834 8.45333 7.92589 8.42635 8.008 8.38986C8.17399 8.31609 8.39054 8.20737 8.60265 8.06596C9.0649 7.7578 9.32434 7.42087 9.32434 7.08599C9.32482 6.76127 9.21037 6.44593 9.00125 6.19751C8.79213 5.94909 8.50184 5.7827 8.18179 5.7278Z",
:fill "currentColor"}]
{:fill-rule "evenodd",
:clip-rule "evenodd",
"M7.375 11.7526C7.375 11.4074 7.65482 11.1276 8 11.1276H8.00667C8.35184 11.1276 8.63167 11.4074 8.63167 11.7526C8.63167 12.0978 8.35184 12.3776 8.00667 12.3776H8C7.65482 12.3776 7.375 12.0978 7.375 11.7526Z",
:fill "currentColor"}]]
{:id "clip0_858_18912"}
{:width "16",
:height "16",
:fill "white",
:transform "translate(0 0.0830078)"}]]]])
38 changes: 38 additions & 0 deletions src/hs_ui/svg/datatype.cljc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
(ns hs-ui.svg.datatype)

(def svg
{:width "16",
:height "17",
:viewBox "0 0 16 17",
:fill "none",
:xmlns ""}
{:clip-path "url(#clip0_858_18924)"}
{:d "M3.91406 5.77679L8.00281 8.08304L12.0793 5.77691",
:stroke "currentColor",
:stroke-width "1.25",
:stroke-linecap "round",
:stroke-linejoin "round"}]
{:d "M8 12.6996V8.08301",
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:stroke-width "1.25",
:stroke-linecap "round",
:stroke-linejoin "round"}]
"M14 5.41636C13.9998 5.18254 13.938 4.9529 13.821 4.75047C13.704 4.54803 13.5358 4.37993 13.3333 4.26302L8.66667 1.59636C8.46397 1.47933 8.23405 1.41772 8 1.41772C7.76595 1.41772 7.53603 1.47933 7.33333 1.59636L2.66667 4.26302C2.46418 4.37993 2.29599 4.54803 2.17897 4.75047C2.06196 4.9529 2.00024 5.18254 2 5.41636V10.7497C2.00024 10.9835 2.06196 11.2132 2.17897 11.4156C2.29599 11.618 2.46418 11.7861 2.66667 11.903L7.33333 14.5697C7.53603 14.6867 7.76595 14.7483 8 14.7483C8.23405 14.7483 8.46397 14.6867 8.66667 14.5697L13.3333 11.903C13.5358 11.7861 13.704 11.618 13.821 11.4156C13.938 11.2132 13.9998 10.9835 14 10.7497V5.41636Z",
:stroke "currentColor",
:stroke-width "1.25",
:stroke-linecap "round",
:stroke-linejoin "round"}]]
{:id "clip0_858_18924"}
{:width "16",
:height "16",
:fill "white",
:transform "translate(0 0.0830078)"}]]]])
43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions src/hs_ui/svg/primitive.cljc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
(ns hs-ui.svg.primitive)

(def svg
{:width "16",
:height "17",
:viewBox "0 0 16 17",
:fill "none",
:xmlns ""}
"M3.33594 2.74969H4.0026C4.53304 2.74969 5.04175 2.96041 5.41682 3.33548C5.79189 3.71055 6.0026 4.21926 6.0026 4.74969C6.0026 4.21926 6.21332 3.71055 6.58839 3.33548C6.96346 2.96041 7.47217 2.74969 8.0026 2.74969H8.66927",
:stroke "currentColor",
:stroke-width "1.25",
:stroke-linecap "round",
:stroke-linejoin "round"}]
"M8.66927 13.4163H8.0026C7.47217 13.4163 6.96346 13.2056 6.58839 12.8305C6.21332 12.4555 6.0026 11.9468 6.0026 11.4163C6.0026 11.9468 5.79189 12.4555 5.41682 12.8305C5.04175 13.2056 4.53304 13.4163 4.0026 13.4163H3.33594",
:stroke "currentColor",
:stroke-width "1.25",
:stroke-linecap "round",
:stroke-linejoin "round"}]
"M3.33594 10.7497H2.66927C2.31565 10.7497 1.97651 10.6092 1.72646 10.3591C1.47641 10.1091 1.33594 9.76994 1.33594 9.41632V6.74965C1.33594 6.39603 1.47641 6.05689 1.72646 5.80685C1.97651 5.5568 2.31565 5.41632 2.66927 5.41632H3.33594",
:stroke "currentColor",
:stroke-width "1.25",
:stroke-linecap "round",
:stroke-linejoin "round"}]
"M8.66406 5.41632H13.3307C13.6844 5.41632 14.0235 5.5568 14.2735 5.80685C14.5236 6.05689 14.6641 6.39603 14.6641 6.74965V9.41632C14.6641 9.76994 14.5236 10.1091 14.2735 10.3591C14.0235 10.6092 13.6844 10.7497 13.3307 10.7497H8.66406",
:stroke "currentColor",
:stroke-width "1.25",
:stroke-linecap "round",
:stroke-linejoin "round"}]
{:d "M6 4.74969V11.4164",
:stroke "currentColor",
:stroke-width "1.25",
:stroke-linecap "round",
:stroke-linejoin "round"}]])
23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions src/hs_ui/svg/slice_item.cljc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
(ns hs-ui.svg.slice-item)

(def svg
{:width "16",
:height "17",
:viewBox "0 0 16 17",
:fill "none",
:xmlns ""}
"M8 8.41632C11.3137 8.41632 14 7.52089 14 6.41632C14 5.31175 11.3137 4.41632 8 4.41632C4.68629 4.41632 2 5.31175 2 6.41632C2 7.52089 4.68629 8.41632 8 8.41632Z",
:stroke "currentColor",
:stroke-width "1.25",
:stroke-linecap "round",
:stroke-linejoin "round"}]
"M2 6.41632V9.74965C2 10.2801 2.63214 10.7888 3.75736 11.1639C4.88258 11.5389 6.4087 11.7497 8 11.7497C9.5913 11.7497 11.1174 11.5389 12.2426 11.1639C13.3679 10.7888 14 10.2801 14 9.74965V6.41632",
:stroke "currentColor",
:stroke-width "1.25",
:stroke-linecap "round",
:stroke-linejoin "round"}]])

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