The goal of CohortContrast is to facilitate the comparison between cohorts in specified domains across all OMOP CDM datasets. It enables users to analyze and visualize the contrast between target and control cohorts effectively.
The development version of the package from GitHub:
# install.packages("devtools")
To use CohortContrast, follow these steps to configure your environment and input data:
- Credentials: Make sure you can create a connection to your OHDS CDM instance using CDMConnector package.
pathToResults = getwd()
# Initiate the database connection
user <- Sys.getenv("DB_USERNAME") #TODO
pw <- Sys.getenv("DB_PASSWORD") #TODO
server <- stringr::str_c(Sys.getenv("DB_HOST"), "/", Sys.getenv("DB_NAME")) #TODO
port <- Sys.getenv("DB_PORT") #TODO
cdmSchema <-
Sys.getenv("OHDSI_CDM") #TODO # Schema which contains the OHDSI Common Data Model
cdmVocabSchema <-
Sys.getenv("OHDSI_VOCAB") #TODO # Schema which contains the OHDSI Common Data Model vocabulary tables.
cdmResultsSchema <-
Sys.getenv("OHDSI_RESULTS") #TODO # Schema which contains "cohort" table (is not mandatory)
writeSchema <-
Sys.getenv("OHDSI_WRITE") #TODO # Schema for temporary tables, will be deleted
writePrefix <- "cc_"
db = DBI::dbConnect(
dbname = Sys.getenv("DB_NAME"),
host = Sys.getenv("DB_HOST"),
user = Sys.getenv("DB_USERNAME"),
password = Sys.getenv("DB_PASSWORD"),
port = port
cdm <- CDMConnector::cdmFromCon(
con = db,
cdmSchema = cdmSchema,
achillesSchema = cdmResultsSchema,
writeSchema = c(schema = writeSchema, prefix = writePrefix),
Create target and control tables
- Use functions
for indicating your target and control cohort tables. - You can use
for generating control tables.
- Use functions
cohortsTableSchemaName = cdmResultsSchema
cohortsTableName = 'cohort'
targetCohortId = 568
controlCohortId = 571
# CDM target and control modula
targetTable <- CohortContrast::cohortFromCohortTable(cdm = cdm, db = db,
tableName = cohortsTableName, schemaName = cdmResultsSchema, cohortId = targetCohortId)
controlTable <- CohortContrast::cohortFromCohortTable(cdm = cdm, db = db,
tableName = cohortsTableName, schemaName = cdmResultsSchema, cohortId = controlCohortId)
- Run the Study: Execute the study by using the CohortContrast functions.
# Execute
data = CohortContrast::CohortContrast(
targetTable = targetTable,
controlTable = controlTable,
pathToResults = getwd(),
domainsIncluded = c(
"Visit detail"
prevalenceCutOff = 2.5,
topK = FALSE, # Number of features to export
presenceFilter = 0.2, # 0-1, percentage of people who must have the chosen feature present
complementaryMappingTable = FALSE, # A table for manual concept_id and concept_name mapping (merge)
getSourceData = FALSE, # If true will generate summaries with source data as well
runZTests = TRUE,
runLogitTests = FALSE,
createOutputFiles = TRUE,
safeRun = FALSE,
complName = "CohortContrastStudy")
The CohortContrast package generates the following outputs:
- Running
returns a list of tables (patient level summarised data for target and control) as well as saves the object. These can be analysed in the GUI. - Using GUI with
generates plots as well as saves the last state of your analysis in the GUI. - There is an example .rds file in
. You can view it in the GUI if you copy it to yourpathToResults
pathToResults = pathToResults
Check out the demo on malignant neoplasm of breast cohort!
CohortContrast provides much more insight generation possibilities. See the package vignettes for more details (coming soon …).
For feature requests create issues on Github or contact Markus Haug ([email protected]) personally.