Laravel Commonmark is a wrapper for league/commonmark which allows for the parsing of regular Markdown as well as CommonMark. The CommonMark spec can be found at
This package can parse Markdown inline or within blade templates using the .md.blade.php file extension.
I was looking for a Markdown compiler for Laravel and with being unable to find a package compatible with Laravel 5.6 (at the time). I figured I could take a crack at it. This also seemed like a good opportunity to gain some experience with open-source projects.
This package has been updated to work with Laravel 6.0, just install via composer:
$ composer require "harrk/laravel-commonmark=~v2.0"
Simply name a blade view with the .md.blade.php extension and it'll automatically parse Markdown within the view into HTML when rendered.
Any .md.blade.php files can be included into other blade files using @import
as you would a regular view.
use \League\CommonMark\CommonMarkConverter;
class MyClass {
public function myFunction(CommonMarkConverter $converter) {
return $converter->convertToHtml('# H1 Header');
Or if you prefer using helper functions instead:
class MyClass {
public function myFunction() {
return markdown_to_html('# H1 Header');
To run unit tests:
$ vendor/bin/phpunit
Check out graham-campbell/markdown for a package that offers far greater customisation through the use of CommonMark extensions.