Here you find some notes trying to translate the formal-ledger-specifications pdf in something that inferior imperative programmers like myself can understand.
A state transition is introduced with this scary thing in the pdf:
and later they present some even more scary agda:
record Computational (_⊢_⇀⦇_,X⦈_ : C → S → Sig → S → Type) : Type where
compute : C → S → Sig → Maybe S
≡-just⇔STS : compute Γ s b ≡ just s' ⇔ Γ ⊢ s ⇀⦇ b ,X⦈ s'
nothing⇒∀¬STS : compute Γ s b ≡ nothing → ∀ s' → ¬ Γ ⊢ s ⇀⦇ b ,X⦈ s
all this just to say that a ledger state transitin can be described as
function computeStateTransition(
ctx: LedgerStateContext, // Γ in the scary formula
initialState: LedgerState, // s
signal: Transition // Also `Sig` (short for "Signal") or `b` in the fomula
): LedgerState | undefined
/* magic goes here */
even this translation, while not using strange symbols from dead languages, is pretty abstract.
In most cases the context (ctx
) will be the protocol parameters the slot and maybe some other "global variable",
the initialState
will be some subset of the ledger state (utxos, staking accounts, pools, ...),
the signal
will be a transaction (Tx
) in the case of utxos, certificates in case of pools and delegations, etc.
here are defined some common operation (and strange symbols because normal function names are unholy)
type Sum<A,B> = A | B // A ⊎ B
type Product<A,B> = A & B // A × B
the &
in the Product
is not to be taken litterally, is just the closest concetpt.
as an example a TxIn
(or colloquially an UtxoRef
) is defined as
TxIn = TxId × Ix
which should be taken as
type UtxoRefStr = `${TxHash}#${OutIdx}`;
∑[ x ← m ] f x
is the map
is a value
from the map
in this example we use numbers because the "addition" is already defined
however it can be "any type" and an "addition" should probably be specified
function addMap<T>( map: Map<any, T>, f: ( value: T ) => number ): number
let sum = 0;
for( const value of map.values() ) sum += f( value );
return sum;
joins two maps (Map<A,B>
) giving precedence to the elements of the first map
function leftBiasedUnion<A,B>( preferred: Map<A,B>, other: Map<A,B> ): Map<A,B>
const result = new Map<A,B>( preferred.entries() );
for(const [ k, v ] of other )
if( !result.has( k ) ) result.set( k, v );
return result;
joins two maps (Map<A,B>
) adding values corresponding to the same key
function additionUnion<A,B>( fst: Map<A,B>, snd: Map<A,B> ): Map<A,B>
const result = new Map<A,B>( fst.entries() );
for(const [ k, v ] of snd )
// sum if already present
// just `v` if new entry
v + (result.get(k) ?? 0)
return result;
we have a function f
of type
type PartialFunc<A,B> = ( something: A ) => (B | undefined)
the mapPartial
, defined as
{f x ∣ x ∈ S and f is defined at x}.
simply does
function mapPartial<A,B>( set: Set<A>, f: PartialFunc<A,B> ): Set<B>
let tmp: B | undefined = undefined;
const result = new Set<B>();
for( const elem of set )
tmp = f( elem );
if( tmp !== undefined ) result.add( tmp );
return result;
=> private keyVKey
=> public keySig
=> signatureSer
=> payload (to sign)
Here (page 42) we have a first complete idea of what a LedgerState
(or LState
) should look like.
With it is also introduced an LedgerEnv
(or LEnv
) that does the part of the context in a transition (the funny greek letter or ctx
, with "global variables")
a LedgerState
should have this shape:
interface LedgerEnv {
slot: Slot // number
ppolicy: ScriptHash | undefined // hash 28
pparams: ProtocolParameters
enactState: EnactState
treasury: Coin // number
interface LedgerState {
utxoState: UtxoState;
govState: GovState;
certState: CertState
the respective types of the fields where introduced before in the pdf.
You can find them with an easy Ctrl + F
, we report them here for clarity
interface UtxoEnv {
slot: Slot // number
pparams: ProtocolParameters
treasury: Coin // number
interface UtxoState {
utxo: UTxO
fees: Coin // number
deposits: Deposits
donations: Coin // number
interface GovEnv {
txHash: Hash28
epoch: Epoch // number
pparams: ProtocolParameters
ppolicy: ScriptHash | undefined // hash 28
enactState: EnactState
certState: CertState
type GovState = Map<GovActionId, GovActionState>;
interface GovActionState {
votes: Map<Voter, Vote>;
returnAddr: StakeAddress;
expiresIn: Epoch; // number
action: GovAction;
* undefined if and only if `action` is
* `TreasuryWithdrawal` or `Info`
* all other gov avctions need a prev
prevAction: GovAction | undefined
interface CertState {
delegation: DelegationState // `DState` in specs
pools: PoolsState // `PState` in specs
govCerts: GovCertsState // `GState` in specs
interface DelegationState {
voteDelegations: Map<Credential, VoteDelegation>
stakeDelegation: Map<Credential, PoolHash>
// account model
rewards: Map<Credential, Coin>
interface PoolsState {
pools: Map<PoolHash, PoolParams>,
retiring: Map<PoolHash, Epoch>
interface GovCertsState {
dreps: Map<Credential, Epoch>;
ccHotKeys: Map<Credential, (Credential | undefined)>