NOTE : Two repositories are used for the project. One for the frontend and another for the backend. Their links are given below.
The objective of the solution is to reduce proxying, reduce time and effort taken to record the attendance. The above mentioned objective is achieved by :
- Verifying and authenticating the student identity
- Verifying the current location of the student
Student's current location is verified by collecting their current latitude and longitude coordinates.
- Affordable
- OS Independent and Device Independent (Can be used in any OS as it is hosted in web)
- Students can post attendance from any device even if they forgot their devices at home
This repo contains the flask application that handles the working of backend in the automated attendance system.
This api endpoint receives the roll number of the student, current latitude and longitude, image of the student and timestamp when the
request was made. With the given timestamp and the roll number of the student, the hall and course code along with the faculty for which attendance needs to be recorded is identified with the help of timetable stored in the database.
The facial image received from the frontend is compared with the already recorded facial image of that particular student available in the database in order to verify the identity of the student .
The coordinates collected is compared with already stored four corner coordinates of the hall. If the collected point lies in between the
four coordinates, then it can be confirmed that the student is within the classroom.
If the above mentioned verifications are successfully passed then the student is provided attendance for that particular course.
- facepplib
- pymongo
- Python Flask
- MongoDB
NOTE : To use the web application use the link given below
MongoDB is hosted using MongoDB Atlas.
Dedicated web app for faculty, so that any classroom or attendance changes can be recorded manually.