Reads DHT22, DHT11 or AM2302 sensor values, writes to CSV.
cd ~/projects
git clone
cd dht2csv
npm install
# Now open the config.json file and check the sensor pin and other settings.
# Copy gpio rules that are needed to start the script without sudo.
sudo cp install/20-gpio.rules /etc/udev/rules.d
# Copy the service configuration file.
# It contains the full path to the start script (/home/pi/projects/dht2csv/lib/app.js).
sudo cp install/dht2csv.service /etc/systemd/system
# Make the daemon aware of the service.
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
# Make it autostart on boot.
sudo systemctl enable dht2csv.service
# A reboot is required because of the gpio.rules.
sudo reboot
# Check status.
systemctl status dht2csv.service
# Check the output.
cd ~/projects/dht2csv/sensordata