Collection of community tools that use Hangar. We also have our own guide on how to automatically publish builds on commits using our Gradle plugin and GitHub actions!
Be sure to add your projects via a pull request! Please keep the order of the sections alphabetical.
- hangar-wrapper: A Java/Kotlin wrapper for the Hangar API
- Hangar4J: A Java wrapper to easily access PaperMC's Hangar API in a secure way.
- hangar-publish-plugin: Gradle plugin to upload versions to Hangar.
- HangarShell: A shell script to interact with the Hangar API.
- hangar-upload-action: Github actions to upload versions to Hangar.
- MCReleaser: A program to publish artifacts to multiple Minecraft-related platforms.
- Simple-ish example Java code for uploading a version to Hangar to copy and paste:
- flytegg/plugin-portal: Minecraft plugin manager for downloading and updating plugins from the chatbar.