A take-home automation testing assignment for QA interview.
- Develop API automation test to validate the following user stories using Typescript.
- Write some high-level test scenarios for each user story.
- Register the bug(s) found during testing.
User Story 1 - In order to store and use my pictures through the https://assessement.onrender.com/api/image API service: As an Anonymous user, I want to attach a picture to the Service and I want to have a permanent link to this picture, Otherwise, I want to be rejected and informed if the file is not a picture.
User Story 2 - In order to save my time from uploading my pictures multiple times via https://assessement.onrender.com/api/zip API service: As an Anonymous user, I want to attach a zip file containing multiple images and I want each of these uploaded images to have a permanent link.
Please review the information in this section before you get started with your development.
- Create a personal fork of the project on Github.
- Clone the fork on your local machine.
- Implement your solution and push the test automation codes and test documents to forked repository.
- When you are ready, submit the forked repo for review by providing the link to the repo to our recruitment team.
You are free to choose the IDE (Integrated Development Environment) tool you are most comfortable with.
This assignment should take about 2 to 4 hours of your time depending on your level of experiences.
Create a github issue. We'll get back to you.