This is a repository for random ideas, demos and small tools. The layout of this repository is inspired by the Fallout Shelter game. All programs are loosely categorized into different shelter room types. Most programs are self-contained with one exception - all programs are allowed to refer to common libraries under the Power Generator folder.
Resources for online talks.
- Lab 1a - Hello, World! with Azure Functions - Visual Studio Experiences
- Lab 1b - Hello, World! with Azure Functions - Portal Experience
- Lab 2 - Hello, World! with Azure Logic App
- Lab 3 - Event Grid with Logic App
- Lab 4 - API Management + Functions
- Lab 5 - Twitter Sentiment Analysis with Logic App
As a TEALS volunteer, I teach Compute Science in high schools. Classroom holds several projects for my Java programming class.
- PrintCircle includes three different implementations of a program that prints a circle on the console.
- PrintImage includes a sample program that converts an image to an ASCII image.
Diner is a relaxing environment where old and new ideas are causally shared. This folder is the home of small projects. There isn't a theme - everything goes here.
- MathNetTests includes a few quick tests I wrote when I learned how to use the MathNet.Numerics library.
- MongoToGremlin is a program that transforms some MongoDB data into graphs using Gremlin. The data is originated from this GitHub project. This code is tested against Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB
- NANDAdder implements a NAND gate, then a bit adder on top of NAND gates, and then a byte adder on top of bit adders.
- NAudioFunction a few methods for handling .wav files.
There are always new ways to write programs. New programming languages and frameworks come and go, and they leave a bunch of "Hello, World!" programs in the elevator.
- HelloWorld-BASIC Hello, World! from BASIC, my first programming language.
- HelloWorld-Go Hello, World! from Go.
- HelloWorld-ONNX Hello, World! from ONNX.
- HelloWorld-PowerShellModule Hello, World! from Microsoft PowerShell.
- HelloWorld-ProtoActor Hello, World! from Proto Actor.
- HelloWorld-Quantum Hello, World! from Microsoft Quantum Development Kit
- HelloWorld-TensorFlow Hello, World! from TensorFlow.
A collection of algorithm implemenations.
- Miller-Rabin A C# implementation of Miller-Rabin primality test. It finds first 78,498 prime numbers under 12 seconds.
Gaming-related projects (excluding graphics-related projects, which are under the Garden folder).
Programs related to computer graphics.
- Saturn A Tribute to Cassini.
A collection of questions and their solutions.
A collection of terms.
Quantum algorithms.
Nuka-Cola Bottler produces container-related projects.
- MySQL-Replication MySQL master-slave data replication.
Radio Station links to my other open source projects.
- Fishboat is a Javascript UI framework.
- OSB-checker is a test suite that verifies an OSB API endpoint against the OSB API spec.
- OWL Fear the OWL!
- SFNuGet is a PowerShell module that allows you to package a Service Fabric service as a NuGet package.
Science Lab is the home of AI and ML focused projects.
- DigitClassifier implements a simple neural network that recognizes handwritten digits.
- RockPaperScissors a Hello-world neural network using SharpNet that learns how to play Rock-Paper-Scissors and Rock-Paper-Scissors-Lizard-Spock
- SharpNet a simple neural netowrk implemented in C#.
Storage Room archives my implementation/recreation of algorithms as I go through some books.
Jupyter Notebooks
Weight Room stores some of my own datasets
- foods Pictures of various food items (16)