"hacktions speak louder than words"
Events for Hacklang
Hacktions exposes two traits:
Run of the mill event emitter with hack type safety.
class MyEmitter
use EventEmitter;
$emitter = new MyEmitter();
//listeners all use variable argument signatures
$lambda = (...) ==> print(func_get_args()[0]);
$emitter->on('myevent', $lambda);
//trigger fires all registered events with the given name - can take variable arguments
$emitter->trigger('myevent', 'brian');
$emitter->off('myevent', $lambda); //remove a single listener
$emitter->removeListeners(); //remove all listeners
$emitter->removeListeners('myevent') //remove all 'myevent' events
Hacktions supports explicit subject/observer relationships:
class Cook
//Cook notifies Waiter objects
use Subject<Waiter>;
protected Vector<Burger> $cookedBurgers = {};
public function cook(Burger $burger): void
//implement methods to work on cooked items...
class Waiter implements Observer<Cook>
//Waiter observes a cook
public function update(Cook $cook, ...): void
$burger = $cook->orderUp();
//deliver burger...
The Subject has the following methods:
###registerObserver(T $observer): void
Registers a new observer with the subject.
###removeObserver(T $observer): void
Removes the specified object from the list of observers.
###notifyObservers(...): void
Notify all observers of a change and optionally pass additional data.
##Running tests
Tests are written using HackUnit. They can be run with the following:
bin/hackunit Tests/
##hhi As always, make sure to copy hhi files to the project directory if type checking is desired:
cp -r /usr/share/hhvm/hack/hhi /path/to/hacktions