Auth0 provides a high quality Javscript SDK for authentication in single page applications. However, it's still not a trival task to integrate authentication properly in your own application. This library helps with integrating Auth0 into an Angular application, it:
- Signs the user in on application startup;
- Uses the Angular router to return to the original page after authentication, preventing unnecessary page reloads;
- Attaches access tokens to api requests;
- Provides a guard to protect routes.
This library is inspired by the NG-Conf 2020 talk from Sam Julien: The Role of Effects in NgRx Authentication. It uses Ngrx Store for managing authentication state and Ngrx Effects for authentication orchestration.
This repo now contains also a library that helps integrating Azure AD B2C authentication in your Angular/Ngrx application.
Start with an Angular application and the necessary imports for Ngrx:
// app.module.ts
Install @thecla/auth0-angular
and its peer dependency @auth0/auth0-spa-js
npm install @auth0/auth0-spa-js
npm install @thecla/auth0-angular
For B2C install install @thecla/b2c-angular
and its peer dependency @azure/msal-browser
npm install @azure/msal-browser
npm install @thecla/b2c-angular
Import AuthModule
from @thecla/auth0-angular
in the app module:
const config = {
audience: '',
domain: '',
clientId: '',
scope: 'openid profile',
const config = {
clientId: '',
authority: 'https://{name}{tenantid}',
signInPolicy: 'B2C_1A_XXXXXXX',
resetPasswordPolicy: 'B2C_1A_XXXXXXX',
knownAuthorities: ['{name}'],
scopes: [],
One way to sign the user in, is to dispatch an signIn
public login() {{ returnUrl: '/' }));
The return url, is the url where the application will return after authentication.
Another way is to protect a route with the AuthGuard
const routes: Routes = [{ path: 'protected', component: ProtectedComponent, canActivate: [AuthGuard] }];
To display user information, use getUser
public user$ =;
The user object contains the claims from the IdToken.
You don't need to do anything for api access. The library adds automatically a bearer token to each same domain (relative url) requests.
Force a user sign out by dispatching signOut
public logout() {;
This repository contains an example application. After configuring your own Auth0 tenant, it should be ready to go.