Code repository of the Mondrian project, developed at the Information Systems Group of the Hasso Plattner Institute.
The code is written using Python 3.8.
If using a local (or virtual) environment, install dependencies with
pip install -r requirements.txt
Alternatively, if using a conda distribution on Linux, use:
conda env create --file mondrian.yml
The script can be used to detect region boundaries in two csv files and compare their layout similarity. From the command line, type:
The script will ask the user for the location of two comma delimited files. Optional parameters that can be provided to this script are the hyperparameters for the multiregion detection phase (alpha, beta, gamma and the radius), as well as a custom delimiter for the .csv files (default is comma) and the option to print images of the detected regions/graph layouts.
For the full list of parameters, type:
python3 --help
The scripts can be used to run the experiments on the multiregion detection component of Mondrian. It requires the input datasets of csv files to be stored in a folder named "./res/{dataset-name}/csv" and their annotations in the folder "./res/{dataset-name}/annotations". The dataset name can be specified as a command line argument. The alpha, beta, gamma hyperparameters can be configured with command line parameters. An additional argument allows to execute the evaluation of the results and print the results.
The script allows different configurations to be tested, selecting them with command line arguments. To run region detection using the connected component baseline and see the evaluation results, run:
python3 --baseline --evaluate
To test using a static radius R, run:
python3 --static R --evaluate
To test using a dynamic, optimal radius, run:
python3 --dynamic --evaluate
For the full list of parameters, type:
python3 --help
The script can be used to run the experiments on the multiregion inference component of Mondrian.
Like, this script requires the target regions to be in a file named "annotations_elements.json" inside the annotation folder as well as the gold standard templates file named "annotations_templates.json". Additionally, it requires results produced from the multiregion detection script. The input files are read from the "res/{dataset-name}/csv" folder and the output of the scripts are read/written to the "result" folder. The dataset name can be specified as a command line argument. The script allows to set the desired hyperparameters for the multiregion detection as well as the thresholds for region and template similarity.
Following the same names used in the script, the script must be run with an --experiment parameter to select the corresponding results computed by the multiregion detection stage. To run template inference using the connected component baseline run:
python3 --experiment baseline
To test using a static radius R, run:
python3 --experiment static --r R --evaluate
To test using a dynamic, optimal radius, run:
python3 --experiment dynamic
For the full list of parameters, type:
python3 --help
The folder "res" in the dataset contains two annotated dataset of spreadsheet files: DECO and FUSTE. Their respective folders contain the files in .csv format and the annotations in .json format.
The file "annotation_elements.json" contains the file-level annotations for region boundaries in the form:
"file1": {
"n_regions": int,
"regions": [
"region_label": string,
"region_type": string,
"top_lx": [int,int], #the top-left coordinate of region boundary
"bot_rx": [int,int], #the bot-right coordingate of the region boundary
"file2": ...
The file "annotations_template.json" contains dataset-level annotations of templates in the form:
{ "template_name": ["file1", "file2", ...] }