A trajectory publish server for quadrotor applications. This package is dependent on AIRo_control_interface.
It is recommanded to run the package in our docker following instructions here. By doing so, you can skip the following steps.
Create a catkin workspace and clone this repository to src folder (ex. ~/airo_trajectory_ws/src)
mkdir -p ~/airo_trajectory_ws/src
cd ~/airo_trajectory_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/HKPolyU-UAV/airo_trajectory.git
Source airo_control_interface setup file
source ~/airo_control_interface_ws/devel/setup.bash
Build the package
cd ~/airo_trajectory_ws
source ~/airo_trajectory_ws/setup.bash
Launch airo_control_interface first, and run launch file in airo_trajectory package.
The example_mission.launch
publishes several setpoints with or without yaw commands
roslaunch airo_trajectory example_mission.launch
The file_trajectory.launch
will run a python script to generate .txt
file that contains reference trajectory and publish it.
roslaunch airo_trajectory file_trajectory.launch
The position_setpoint.launch
is similar to file_trajectory.launch
but will directly publish trajectory to rostopic /mavros/setpoint_position/local
so that the trajectory is tracked with the embedded flight controller.
roslaunch airo_trajectory position_setpoint.launch
Note that the user can publish either position, position&twist, or position&twist&acceleration commands. Besides, if no yaw angle is published, the server will publish zero yaw angle psi = 0
. In the .txt file, make sure that the first three columns are position reference, and you can add 3 more columns of twist reference, or 6 more columns of twist&acceleration reference. You can choose whether to add yaw reference or not, if yes, always add the reference yaw angle in rad at the last column. Therefore, the .txt file can have either 3 column (position), 6 column (position,twist), 9 column (position,twist,acceleration), 4 column (position,yaw), 7 column (position,twist,yaw), and 10 column (position,twist,acceleration,yaw).
For file_trajectory.launch
, if parameter result_save
is set to true, the trajectory tracking results will be saved in the results
folder. To post-process the results, check this repository.