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Migration from 2.x.x to 3.0.0

Enrico Stemmer edited this page Nov 13, 2024 · 3 revisions

1. The complex Config has been removed in favor of a simpler config.

The GUI config

exec-once = hyprswitch init --show-title &
$key = TAB
$modifier = SUPER
$switch_release = SUPER_L
# open hyprswitch
bind = $modifier, $key, exec, hyprswitch gui
# close hyprswitch
bindr = $modifier, $switch_release, exec, hyprswitch close
# if it somehow doesn't close on releasing $switch_release, escape can kill (doesnt switch)
bindrn = ,escape, exec, hyprswitch close --kill

changed to

exec-once = hyprswitch init --show-title &
$key = tab
bind = super, $key, exec, hyprswitch gui --mod-key super_l --key $key

And GUI + Keyboard Config

exec-once = hyprswitch init --show-title &

$key = TAB
$modifier = ALT
$modifier_release = ALT_L
$reverse = SHIFT
# allows repeated switching with same keypress that starts the submap
binde = $modifier, $key, exec, hyprswitch gui --do-initial-execute
bind = $modifier, $key, submap, switch
# allows repeated switching with same keypress that starts the submap
binde = $modifier $reverse, $key, exec, hyprswitch gui --do-initial-execute -r
bind = $modifier $reverse, $key, submap, switch
submap = switch
# allow repeated window switching in submap (same keys as repeating while starting)
binde = $modifier, $key, exec, hyprswitch gui
binde = $modifier $reverse, $key, exec, hyprswitch gui -r
# switch to specific window offset
bind = $modifier, 1, exec, hyprswitch gui --offset=1
bind = $modifier, 2, exec, hyprswitch gui --offset=2
bind = $modifier, 3, exec, hyprswitch gui --offset=3
bind = $modifier, 4, exec, hyprswitch gui --offset=4
bind = $modifier, 5, exec, hyprswitch gui --offset=5
bind = $modifier $reverse, 1, exec, hyprswitch gui --offset=1 -r
bind = $modifier $reverse, 2, exec, hyprswitch gui --offset=2 -r
bind = $modifier $reverse, 3, exec, hyprswitch gui --offset=3 -r
bind = $modifier $reverse, 4, exec, hyprswitch gui --offset=4 -r
bind = $modifier $reverse, 5, exec, hyprswitch gui --offset=5 -r

# exit submap and stop hyprswitch
bindrt = $modifier, $modifier_release, exec, hyprswitch close
bindrt = $modifier, $modifier_release, submap, reset

# if it somehow doesn't close on releasing $switch_release, escape can kill (doesnt switch)
bindr = ,escape, exec, hyprswitch close --kill
bindr = ,escape, submap, reset
submap = reset

changed to

exec-once = hyprswitch init --show-title &

$key = tab
bind = alt, $key, exec, hyprswitch gui --mod-key alt_l --key $key --close mod-key-release && hyprswitch dispatch
bind = alt shift, $key, exec, hyprswitch gui --mod-key alt_l --key $key --close mod-key-release && hyprswitch dispatch -r

2. More GUI - CLI options added:

- `--mod-key` and `--key` [required] (Used to automatically add shortcuts when hyprswitch opens)
- `--reverse-key` Custom reverse key or mod key to reverse the switch direction
- `--close` How to close hyprswitch (See `README Usage > Parameters > gui > --close` for options and explanations)
- `--switch-type` Switch Windows or Workspaces or Monitors
- `--workspaces-per-row` Limit amount of workspaces in one row (overflows to next row) replaces the

3. Small CSS Fixes

4. Removed some cli args

- `--do-initial-execute` (add `&& hyprswitch dispatch` to the end of the gui command to dispatch a switch on
- `--stay-open-on-close` (use `--close` to configure closing behaviour instead)

5. Better error handling (more notifications)

To migrate your config you copy the corresponding example from the readme or examples and change the $key variables to your desired key. You can also change the modifier key to your desired key. Remember to also pass the mod key to hyprswitch with the --mod-key as this is used to generate the keybindings for the GUI.

If you want to configure more options read through the Parameters in the README or use the --help flag in the CLI. (you can also use hyprswitch gui --help to see the GUI options, hyprswitch init --help to see the init options, etc.)