This is a python script which requests shift data, and associated coworker shift data from Teamworx.
It organizes this shift data into an iCalendar .ics file, which can then be imported or synced to calendars on various devices and services.
It allows me to view my schedule in my calendar.
The script itself can be renamed.
Upon first run, the script will generate an .ini file with the same root name as the script.
The .ini file will be populated with some default values and some instructions to install dependencies.
Replace the default values with your own, and run the script again.
Upon a successful run, the script will create a folder called "Schedule" and place the generated .ics file within it.
- to Install
Python3 -
Dependencies -pip install icalendar datetime tabulate requests pytz configparser pathlib
- to Prepare
a Teamworx link from your employer
Your Username and Password
-> [email protected]
-> p@55w0rd
Your Timezone
-> US/Eastern
This script can work as a binary, meaning you can run it like any other non-python binary.
To enable this:
- Ensure that the first line points to the python binary installed on your computer:
- Give the script executable permissions by either right-click>Permissions, or with:
chmod +x
- After this I prefer to remove the .py file extension for aesthetic reasons, though it's not nessesary.
mv postworx
orcp postworx
replace 'postworx' with your script name if you renamed it