Really simple Go library for programatically creating and delivering Slack messages. Just BYO access token and http.Client
. Great for creating slack
reports with reusable components.
Install it $ go get
import ""
// Bring your own Client or just pass nil
client := http.Client{Timeout: time.Second * 10}
// Instantiate go-slack with your access token)
// Prepare attachments
attachmentFoo := slack.Attachment{
Title: "Foo",
Text: "You've got Foo",
Color: "#f5b000",
AttachmentType: "default",
Fallback: "You've got Foo",
attachmentBar := slack.Attachment{
Title: "Bar",
Text: "You've got Bar",
Color: "#00e6f5",
AttachmentType: "default",
Fallback: "You've got Bar",
// Prepare reusable actions
actionBaz := slack.Action{
Name: "Baz",
Text: "Send out the Baz",
Type: "button",
Value: "baz",
Style: "primary",
actionFiz := slack.Action{
Name: "Fiz",
Text: "Send out the Fiz",
Type: "button",
Value: "fiz",
Style: "danger",
// Mix and match them!
attachmentFoo.AddAction(actionBaz, actionFiz)
// Setup base messages
messageA := slack.NewMessage("FooBar", "CHANNELIDA", ":skull:")
messageB := slack.NewMessage("BazFiz", "CHANNELIDB",":skull:")
// Assemble the final message
// Add a text message maybe
messageA.Text = "Kunci kesuksesan adalah key of success"
// Add the attachments to the message
messageA.AddAttachment(attachmentFoo, attachmentBar)
messageB.AddAttachment(attachmentBar, attachmentFoo)
// Send them out!
_, err := sl.PostMessage(messageA)
_, err := sl.PostMessage(messageB)
et voilà
Definitely doesn't cover the whole Slack API. Just the parts I need for my use cases (easy message creation and sending by Slack's Web API). Contributions are most welcome.
Please note the message struct schema might also be incomplete. I've yet to find one list that covers everything.