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SESH Dashboard beta. Working dev code. Sesh-dashboard is a dasboard that's designed to display data from you Solar Energy system. It's built on top of python django. Data coming into the system can come form Victron QUattro inverters- Via CCGX/ Enphase micro inverters via Envoy. It also has the capacity to get data from both systems locally through modbus-TCP(CCGX) or scraping of the envoy(web scraping)

How do I get set up using a dev VM?

Make sure you have Vagrant, Virtualbox and Ansible installed.

Follow the steps below to setup a development environment. This will setup a virtual machine with the required dependencies: If you wish to not use a virtual-machine you can skip to virtualenvonly section.

  1. Clone this repo: $ git clone
  2. CD into the directory: $ cd sesh-dash-beta
  3. First time you run this, it will provision a machine. May take 10-15 minutes to do so: $ vagrant up
  4. SSH into the newly created VM: $ vagrant ssh
  5. CD into the working directory: $ cd ~/dev/sesh/
  6. Install python dependencies: $ sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
  7. Install bower $ sudo npm install -g bower
  8. Get the UI components: $ python ./ bower_install
  9. Collect Static files in one place: $ python ./ collectstatic

How do I get setup with a Virtualenv only?

  1. Make sure system level dependencies are installed first see playbook.yml
  2. Create a local virtual-env (install virtualenv if you dont have it already): $ virtualenv <sesh-dash-beta>
  3. Activate your virtual env $cd <virtual-env-location>/bin $source activate
  4. Install requirements defined in requirements.txt: $ requirements.txt > pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Install bower $ sudo npm install -g bower
  6. Get the UI components: $ python ./ bower_install

Before you start

You'll need to configure parameters for the APIs and Database. Copy to local_settings_example.ini to settings_local.ini in your repo and put in your api keys and database settings.(contact repo owner for keys). Also setup database parameters

  1. Sync up local DB if using a local database: $ python migrate
  2. Collect Static files in one place: $ python ./ collectstatic
  3. Move ui custom ui components into place: $ cp -r ./seshdash/sesh-ui ./seshdash/static/
  4. Create super user: $ python createsuperuser
  5. Run dev server: $ python runserver
  6. Now start the browser and hit http://localhost:5000 or and your application works!!!

Getting Data

  • The system requires data to be coming in from the API's this happens asynchronously and periodically
  • Start celery with command in a different screen: $ celery --app=sesh.celery:app worker --loglevel=INFO --beat -E

API docs

System Overview

  • Sample diagram of PV system
  • sample system diagram

Who do I talk to?