GraphWhy is a free solution to the need for a good unrestrained survey provider.
Following this section will get you up and running so you can see what we are working with on our back end. Hopefully you will decide to help the cause aswell! (Instructions assume Ubuntu 14.04 but should work with other linux distros)
Git ->
Or: sudo apt-get install git-all
Node ->
Or: curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
Mongo ->
Or: sudo apt-get install mongodb
sudo git clone
cd GraphwhyBackend
sudo npm install
Go to GraphwhyBackend then setup mongo:
sudo mkdir data
sudo mongod --dbpath data &
In the GraphwhyBackend directory start up the app:
sudo npm start
Next navigate your browser to localhost:3010
Finally here is our back end.