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Releases: GradleUp/shadow


20 Jan 02:33
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  • When using shadow, application, and maven plugins together, remove shadowDistZip and shadowDistTar from
    configurations.archives so they are not published or installed by default with the uploadArchives or install
    tasks. #347
  • James Nelson - Fix null path when using Jar minimization and Gradle's api configuration. #424, #425


21 Nov 23:02
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21 Nov 23:01
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21 Nov 23:00
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  • Breaking Change! Transform.modifyOutputStream(ZipOutputStream os) to Transform.modifyOutputStream(ZipOutputStream jos, boolean preserveFileTimestamps).
    Typically breaking changes are reserved for major version releases, but this change was necessary for preserverFileTimestamps (introduced in v4.0.0) to work correctly
    in the presence of transformers, #404
  • Fix regression in support Java 10+ during relocation, #403


21 Nov 23:00
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  • Breaking Change! Restrict Plugin to Gradle 4.0+. Shadow major versions will align with Gradle major versions going forward.
  • Breaking Change! For clarity purposes com.github.johnrengelman.plugin-shadow has been removed. If you intend to use this feature, you will need to declare your own ConfigureShadowRelocation task. See section 2.9.2 of the User Guide
  • Sergey Tselovalnikov - Upgrade to ASM 6.2.1 to support Java 11
  • Chris Cowan - Add support for shadowJar.preserveFileTimestamps property. See Jar.preserveFileTimestamps
  • Paul N. Baker - Add Log4j2PluginsCacheFileTransformer to process Log4j DAT files during merge.
  • Felipe Lima - Fix the long standing "No property mainClassName" issue.
  • debanne - Implement JAR minimization actions. This will attempt to exclude unused classes in your shadowed JAR.
  • Configure exclusion of module-info.class from shadowJar when using the Shadow the Java plugin, #352


27 Apr 13:47
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24 Mar 13:30
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12 Dec 14:09
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23 Jun 13:31
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09 May 23:01
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  • Breaking Change! Restrict Plugin to Gradle 3.0+
  • Breaking Change! Build with Java 7
  • Breaking Change! Updated Transformer interface to accept TransformerContext object instead of individual values
  • Breaking Change! Updated Relocator interface to accept RelocatePathContext and RelocateClassContext objects
  • Breaking Change! Distribution tasks distShadowZip and distShadowTar have been removed and replaced with the standard shadowDistZip and shadowDistTar from the Gradle Distribution plugin.
  • Breaking Change! The installShadowApp task has been removed and replaced with the standard installShadowDist task from the Gradle Distribution plugin.
  • Breaking Change! The new installShadowDist task outputs to build/install/<project name>-shadow per the standard (formerly was build/installShadow)
  • Breaking Change! component.shadow removed in favor of project.shadow.component(publication) so as to remove dependency on internal Gradle APIs.
  • NEW Introducing ConfigureShadowRelocation task and com.github.johnrengelman.plugin-shadow plugin to automatically configure package relocation for Gradle plugins.
  • NEW Integration with Gradle Build Scans. When running a ShadowJar task with Build Scans, custom values including dependencies merged anc package relocations are published in the scan.
  • Build Shadow w/ Shadow. This will help prevent any future classpath conflicts with Gradle.
  • Replace startShadowScripts tasks with Gradle's built-in CreateStartScripts type.
  • Build with Gradle 3.1
  • Marc Philipp - Add keyTransformer property to PropertiesFileTransformer
  • Update to ASM 5.2
  • Piotr Kubowicz - Support api, implementation, runtimeOnly dependency configurations introdcued in Gradle 3.3