F^3 is a Python-based application framework for valuing forward looking financial products on Heterogeneous Parallel Computing Platforms.
The vision of F^3 is to allow financial engineers to express valuation computations naturally while taking advantage of the plethora of new computing platforms available.
The application framework also serves as a test case for research into domain-specific, heterogeneous computing.
Current Underlyings and Derivatives Supported:
- Black-Scholes Stochastic Underlyings
- Heston-based Stochastic Underlyings
- European Options
- European Single and Double Barrier Options
- European Double Digital Barrier Options
- European Asian Options
- Multicore CPUs (via GCC and Posix threads)
- Maxeler FPGA Platforms (via Maxcompiler)
- Xilinx FPGAs (via VivadoHLS)
- Altera FPGAs (via Altera's OpenCL SDK)
- GPUs and Co-Processors (via OpenCL)
In Progress:
- Derivatives with American exercise properties
- Automatic scheduling of tasks across a range of platforms
Coming Soon:
- Interest-rate derivatives
- Lattice-based Solvers
##Framework Layout
/bin - the experimental scripts for various portfolios
/Derivatives - the financial derivatives classes
/Platforms - the platform classes
/Solvers - the solver alogrithms
/Underlyings - the underlyings classes
F^3 requires:
- A *nix-based Operating System
- Python >= 2.7
- Numpy
- Maxcompiler version 12.2 >= (For Maxeler code)
- PyOpenCL (for any OpenCL Execution)
- X OpenCL SDK (where X is the vendor of the OpenCL platform in question)
- Xilinx Vivado HLS 2013.4 (For VivadoHLS code)
The following environmental variables also need to be set:
needs to be equal to the location of this repository, including the directory name (e.g./home/[Username]/workspace/ForwardFinancialFramework
##Getting Started
- Change to the test_script directory (i.e. ForwardFinancialFramework/bin/test_scripts)
- Run the following command in the script directory:
python \<script file name\> script options
e.g.python mc_solver_test.py CPU Execute
would run a very basic, CPU-based bond valuation.
##Extending the Framework
- To add a new derivative or underlying, look at the existing derivatives and underlyings as an example. The basic procedure:
- Create a new class in the correct directory, inheriting from Option.py or Underlying.py respectively.
- Overload or add the required methods and variables for the solver(s) being targetted to the new class being created.
- Create the required supporting libraries for generating the platform-solver code.
- To add a new solver or platform, its a bit more involved. Again, look at the existing ones for ideas.
##Contact Info
Please, feel free to get in touch with me (gordon.inggs (at) gmail.com). I'm particularly happy to provide comparison data for your option evaluations.