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Common Issues

Ethan Cheng edited this page May 10, 2024 · 3 revisions


Here we outline some common problems you might face during development.

Incorrect Extension ID

Note that for Post-login PWA and local development, we use the gogonhoemckpdpadfnjnpgbjpbjnodgc extension ID, generated from the key attribute in package.json. For the Shimless RMA usecase, we use the jmalcmbicpnakfkncbgbcmlmgpfkhdca extension ID, generated from signing the extension.

Incorrect Chrome version

Only newer chrome version supports certain APIs. Verify you are on the newest Chrome version.

Incorrect file permission

Ensure that files are set to r+x by the chronos user. Incorrect file permission may lead to errors such as:

  • Not seeing the files in the file app
  • CRX Header Invalid log

Incorrect allowlisted origins

You should make sure the the origins in these three places are equivalent:

  1. externally_connectable attribute in the extension manifest
  2. Actual URL of the PWA or IWA
  3. Allowlisted URL in Chrome

For PWA, you should override 3. with the OS flag --telemetry-extension-pwa-origin-override-for-testing=$ORIGIN. Note that you must be using HTTPS set up with your allowlisted authority.

For IWA, the app built by running npm run build_iwa should automatically be the correct origin.

Incorrect OEM Name

In Shimless RMA mode, Reference app can only be opened and access if the OEM name is Google. Ensure that the OEM name is correct by running this command in command line: cros-health-tool telem --category=system