phpGolf challenges
My attempts on PHP code golf challenges, usually with several of them for each challenge.
- Euler's totient
- Fibonacci
- Juggler Sequence
- Minesweeper
- Pacman
- Rot 13
- Saving Time
- Triangular Numbers
- Upper Case First
- Vigenere Table
Run php composer.phar install
and the challenge runner is ready.
I also created challenge run to test quickly my attempts on challenges. It is CLI tool written in PHP for testing attempts individually or in a batch.
You can run any challenge with
php cli.php challenge:run challenge-name [attempt-number, ...]
Structure of the project is
- challenge-name <-- name of the challenge
- attempt-number <-- number of the attempt
- attempt.php <-- attempt, that is run
- <-- description of this attempt
- attempt-number
- attempt.php
- attempt_generator.php <-- attempt generator, that generates attempt.php, it is optional
- tests.php <-- tests for all attempts
- <-- description of this challenge
- challenge-name