- Create Google SpreadSheet
- Publish SpreadSheet in Web
- Get The SpreadSheet ID in the now displayed url:
- .../spreadsheets/d/e/verylongtext/pub?output=csv
- .../spreadsheets/d/e/
/pub?output=csv verylongtext
- Use the ID to create the Spreadsheet object
import GSpreadSheet from '/GSpreadSheet';
// the boolean value indicates whether the sheet has a header row
let sheetInstance = GSpreadSheet.fromExport('verylongtext', false, (sheet) => {
let some_col = sheet.cols['column name'];
let some_val = sheet.get('other column', 3);
let alternative = sheet.cols[1];
let some_row = sheet.rows[3];
if (sheet.hasHeader){
let headers = sheet.headers;
// Now Also with API 'support'!
// as above, the boolean value determines whether the sheet (or range) has a header row
let sheetInstance = GSpreadSheet.fromAPI('API_ID', 'Target_Sheet_Name', 'API_Key', false, 'A1:G23', (sheet) => {
// same as above