Call the function:
convertBlheli32ToRtttl(BLHELI_32_string, song_name?,speed?, duration?, octave?)
: Optional parameter. The default are song_name = 'test',speed = 210, duration = 8, octave = 5
Parameter-numbers can be string or int. In case it does not match critera, they will be set to default.
The function returns an array (length 2) with the RTTTL string and the unknown-symbols-string-array.
['test:b=300,o=5,d=8:4b5,8p,4b5,8p,2a5', ['B6', 'M', '1/', 'U3']]
Currently there is always the default header which is adjusted with the user parameters.
The final RTTTL string can be accessed easily: function_result[0]
It filters for unknown symbols (in BLHELI_32 notation) with a regex and should always produce an RTTTL readable output without the unwanted symbols. If there is no melody, there will (currently only be the (default) header.
It might be useful to display the invalid symbols from result[1]
for the user to improve the users BLHELI_32 string and (maybe) adjust the regex if a new syntax is found.
It removes all spaces, quotation-marks and new lines.
If you don't know how to execute a python script I reccomend using an online-tool to execute the simple script. Just google "Python Interpreter Online" (like
Copy the contents of the file into the online-editor and press run (or similar).
Once the script starts a commandline interface opens which I hope it is self-explainatory. I am happy to receive feedback.
I hope I got all syntax of BLHELI_32 music covered (if not, contact me on BlueJay Discord). Just copy-paste your music (without "quotations") into the prompt when asked. The formatting is explained in the UI.
BlueJay Github:
ESC-Flasher for BlueJay and music:
I know this isn't the prettiest code. Feel free to improve ;)