Scripts tp be use in the end-to-end testing of GPAS
- => Donwload ans intalation of the main repositores used on the tests:
a) gpas-covid-synthetic-reads (including gumpy and constellations
b) gpas-uploader (including readAndKeep)
- => Generate syntetic samples. The default values of synthetic data cover:
a) Technologies: Illumina and Nanopore
b) Primers: articv3, articv4, and midnight1200
c) Lineages: cB.1.1.7 cB.1.617.2 cB.1.1.529 cBA.1 cBA.2 cBA.3
- => genereate csv files to illumina and nanopore ready to be used by the gpas uploader
tags => tag file to be used on the tag column pf the samples' csv
- and => script to execute once the samples have been uplodaded and unreleased.
Install gpas-covid-synthetic-reads repo
Create sample data optimized to test FN4