Prof Corey J. A. Bradshaw
Global Ecology | Partuyarta Ngadluku Wardli Kuu, Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia
November 2024
project lead: Ugo Arbieu
contributors: Céline Bellard, Ricardo Correia, Pierre Courtois, Enrico Di Minin, Ivan Jaric, Boris Leroy, Jessica Murfree, Madeleine Orr, Samuel Roturier, Melanie Sartore-Baldwin, Diogo Veríssimo, Franck Courchamp
Accompanies paper:
Arbieu, U, C Bellard, CJA Bradshaw, R Correia, P Courtois, E Di Minin, I Jaric, B Leroy, JR Murfree, M Orr, S Roturier, M Sartore-Baldwin, D Veríssimo, F Courchamp. In preparation Global wildlife diversity in team sport organisations
: main R code for analysisnew_lmer_AIC_tables3.R
: source code for information-theoretic algorithmsr.squared.R
: source code for calculating goodness-of-fit for linear models (including mixed-effects models)
- leagueDat.csv: data for professional team sport leagues by country
- sppDat.csv: database focusing on the taxa that could be identified to species level
, ggplot2
, ggpubr
, Hmisc
, lme4
, performance
, sjPlot