Demos for the native implementation of the Glitter Paint APIs in Chromium.
The following patches are required for them to run:
- Optional: required for patterns, gradients, images, text)
They don't make use of any pipeline features (most notably, the animation is done in a very hacky way) and exist just to demonstrate the proof-of-concept native implementation.
In the native implementation, you may call .registerCustomPaint(function) on any element with a background. The function takes in a "canvas"/"graphics context" as argument: eg
element.registerCustomPaint(function(ctx) {console.log(ctx.width);})
that is essentially a "write-only" version of a HTML canvas element's context. Core features of the "write-only canvas" include paths, stroke/fill/clip, state save/restore and transforms. The notable feature excluded is getting image data out of the canvas, which is excluded for security/performance concerns.
There are some minor differences in function names/etc between this and the non-native Glitter implementation, as the native implementation mirrors the HTML canvas element API as closely as possible. Additionally, the native implementation currently only allows drawing on background (no onContent).
Both button-demo and text-demo manually animate the "shapes" being painted by updating, redrawing, sleeping for frame length, and repeating, as for now, the sizes, positions, etc of the shapes (ripples for button, rectangles for text) need to be global so that they can be accessed within the custom paint function. Ideally this can be replaced with custom properties in the future.