Playing with R in some random experiments
- HighlandR's Dots: Dot plots to demonstrate patient flow, from John Mackintosh's blog.
- gganimate: Playing with gganimate package to generate animated plot with ggplot2.
- GetHFData: Trying to use and make some available of the package to import High Frequence Data of Brazilian's Stock Exchange transactions.
- runtastic: Processing and ploting GPX files from Runtastic, based in the Marcus Volz's work with Strava
- plotly3d: Trying to plot my #MTB rides in a 3D interactive space.
- outliers: Detecting outlier in dataset, reproduction of Evgine Chasnovski's Combined outlier detection with dplyr and ruler.
- purrrResolution: a initiative to know more about the functions of purr Package, lead by statistical and R instructor Isabella Chement.
- testthat: experimenting the testthat package for automated unit tests in R