- Undergraduate Student at IIT Kanpur
- Passionate about Cybersecurity, Systems, Networks and Robotics
- Writing regularly on Medium
- Open to collaborations on projects with shared interests
- Reach out at: [email protected]
A Python Program that uses OpenCV and Scapy module to brute force RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol) Service used by IoT (Internet of Things) devices like CCTVs (Closed-circuit television), etc
A Python Programs that uses Github Repositories as a Cloud Service to store Files
Python 4
A Simple Python Program that uses Docker Module to communicate with Docker API and gets a Remote Root Shell on the Target Device
Python 1
Detection and Ranging of Faces using Intel Realsense Camera and Haar Cascade Detection via OpenCV
CMake 4
Programs that counts number of people in different computer labs of campus
Python 3