- data-model - pojos for system tests usage only
- web - web application for system tests and demo usage
- sys-tests - system tests
- JMeter installation
- JBoss installation
- Tomcat installation
- Jetty installation
- Gigaspaces XAP installation
All system tests configurations files are located in: src/test/resources/config. edit config.properties:
- JBOSS_HOME - jboss installation directory
- project.basedir - path/to/http-session-itests
- TOMCAT_HOME - tomcat installation directory
- JMETER_HOME - jmeter installation directory
- GS_HOME - Gigaspaces installtion directory
- JETTY_HOME - jetty installation directory
- SPACE_URL - space url
- HOST - host ip address
- navigate to the
cd path/to/http-session-itests
- build
mvn package -DskipTests
- run tests
mvn test