- Tags: wordpress, authors, coauthors, coauthors-plus
- Requires at least: 3.6.1, coauthors-plus
- Tested up to: 4.0
- License: GPLv2 or later
- License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
This plugin extends Co-Authors Plus by adding some utility and helper functions that have proved useful for us in our extensive use of Co-Authors Plus.
We use Co-Authors Plus quite extensively and over time we've run into a variety of issues were we've either had to work around or improve upon default Co-Authors Plus behavior:
- The admin interface for adding coauthors to a post becomes unresponsive when there are a large number of potential authors.
- This plugin caches the list of possible authors and has custom Javascript that works around this issue.
- Author post queries can get unewieldy when Co-Authors Plus is running which causes performance issues.
- This plugin hooks into parse_query and does all lookups using a more efficient taxonomy/term lookup.`
- To gain the benfits of the admin panel and query stuff simply install the plugin.
- If you started using Co-Authors plus after already publishing some content you'll possibly have some posts that are missing the appropriate author terms.
- You can fix that by hitting the ajax method found here (while logged into an admin account):
- If you've got custom post types you can run the method again with the post_type GET var changed to correct value
- You can fix that by hitting the ajax method found here (while logged into an admin account):