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rowanG077 committed Aug 20, 2024
1 parent d6b5343 commit 0e819f6
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Showing 6 changed files with 321 additions and 132 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions clash-eth.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ library
Expand All @@ -118,6 +119,7 @@ library
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Clash/Cores/Ethernet/Arp.hs
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Expand Up @@ -72,6 +72,6 @@ arpC maxAge maxWait tableDepth ourMacS ourIPv4S =
circuit $ \(ethStream, lookupIn) -> do
(entry, replyOut) <- arpReceiverC ourIPv4S -< ethStream
(lookupOut, requestOut) <- arpManagerC maxWait -< lookupIn
() <- arpTable tableDepth maxAge -< (lookupOut, entry)
() <- arpTable maxAge -< (lookupOut, entry)
arpPktOut <- Df.roundrobinCollect Df.Skip -< [replyOut, requestOut]
arpTransmitterC ourMacS ourIPv4S -< arpPktOut
163 changes: 33 additions & 130 deletions src/Clash/Cores/Ethernet/Arp/ArpTable.hs
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@@ -1,152 +1,55 @@
Module : Clash.Cores.Arp.ArpTable
Description : Provides a highly configurable ARP table.

{-# language FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# language RecordWildCards #-}

Module : Clash.Cores.Ethernet.Arp.ArpTable
Description : Provides an ARP table which is able to hold one ARP entry.
module Clash.Cores.Ethernet.Arp.ArpTable
( arpTable
) where

import Clash.Prelude
import Clash.Signal.Extra

import Protocols
import Protocols.Df qualified as Df

import Clash.Cores.Ethernet.Arp.ArpTypes
import Clash.Cores.Ethernet.IP.IPv4Types

import Data.Maybe

data ArpTableState depth
= Active {
-- | Whether the output of the blockram contains valid data
_bramValid :: Bool
-- ^ The ARP table is handling insertion and lookup requests
| Invalidating {
-- | The timer of the entry at this address will be decremented
_writeAddr :: Unsigned depth
-- ^ The ARP table is decrementing the timers of all entries,
-- and therefore cannot currently accept any insertion or lookup requests.
deriving (Generic, Show, ShowX, NFDataX)

:: forall
(depth :: Nat)
(maxAgeSeconds :: Nat)
. KnownNat depth
=> KnownNat maxAgeSeconds
=> 1 <= maxAgeSeconds
=> 1 <= depth
=> depth <= 32
=> ArpTableState depth
-> ( Bool
, (ArpEntry, Index (maxAgeSeconds + 1))
, Maybe (ArpEntry, Unsigned depth)
, Maybe (IPv4Address, Unsigned depth)
, Bool
-> ( ArpTableState depth
, ( Ack
, Unsigned depth
, Maybe (Unsigned depth, (ArpEntry, Index (maxAgeSeconds + 1)))
, Maybe ArpResponse
-- If the reset is enabled, go back to the initial state
-- and don't acknowledge or send out data.
arpTableT _ (True, _, _, _, _) =
(Active False, (Ack False, 0, Nothing, Nothing))

arpTableT Active{..} (_, (arpEntry, secsLeft), insertionWithHash, lookupWithHash, secondPassed)
= (nextSt, (Ack True, readAddr, writeCmd, arpResponseOut))
writeCmd = (\(entry, hash) -> (hash, (entry, maxBound))) <$> insertionWithHash
validLookup = isJust lookupWithHash

| _bramValid && validLookup = Just (arpResponse (fst $ fromJustX lookupWithHash))
| otherwise = Nothing

-- It is possible that the IP stored in the entry is not the same as the lookup IP.
-- This happens due to hash collisions.
arpResponse lookupIP =
if secsLeft == 0 || lookupIP /= _arpIP arpEntry
then ArpEntryNotFound
else ArpEntryFound (_arpMac arpEntry)

(nextSt, readAddr)
| secondPassed = (Invalidating maxBound, maxBound)
| otherwise = (Active (validLookup && not _bramValid), maybe 0 snd lookupWithHash)

arpTableT Invalidating{..} (_, (arpEntry, secsLeft), _, _, _)
= (nextSt, (Ack False, readAddr, writeCmd, Nothing))
writeCmd = Just (_writeAddr, (arpEntry, satPred SatBound secsLeft))
(nextSt, readAddr)
| _writeAddr == 0 = (Active False, 0)
| otherwise = let addr = pred _writeAddr in (Invalidating addr, addr)

-- | ARP table that stores @2^depth@ entries in block ram. `maxAgeSeconds` is the number of seconds before the
-- entry will be removed from the table (lazily). The timeout is inaccurate for up to one second, because
-- the circuit uses a constant counter for efficiency. Every second, the ARP table is unable to handle insertion
-- and lookup requests for @2^depth@ clock cycles, because it needs to decrease the timers of the entries.
-- During this period, the component will assert backpressure. Note that this implies that the component will
-- not work correctly when the size of the ARP table is bigger than the clock frequency.
-- An entry may be evicted sooner than expected from the cache due to hash collisions; entries are addressed
-- by taking the last `depth` bits of their corresponding IPv4 address. By increasing the
-- number of entries in the table, the chance of IPv4 addresses colliding is lower.
-- | ARP table that stores one ARP entry in a register. `maxAgeSeconds` is the number of seconds before the
-- entry will be removed from the table (lazily). The timeout is inaccurate for up to one second less, because
-- the circuit uses a constant counter for efficiency reasons. For example, when `maxAgeSeconds` is set to 30,
-- an entry will expire in 29-30 seconds. The clock frequency must be at least 1 Hz for timeouts to work correctly.
:: forall
(dom :: Domain)
(depth :: Nat)
(maxAgeSeconds :: Nat)
(dom :: Domain)
(maxAgeSeconds :: Nat)
. HiddenClockResetEnable dom
=> KnownDomain dom
=> 1 <= DomainPeriod dom
=> DomainPeriod dom <= 5 * 10^11
=> KnownNat (DomainPeriod dom)
=> 1 <= DomainPeriod dom
=> DomainPeriod dom <= 10^12
=> 1 <= maxAgeSeconds
=> 1 <= depth
=> depth <= 32
=> SNat depth
-- ^ Determines the number of entries in the ARP table, namely @2^depth@.
-> SNat maxAgeSeconds
-- ^ Entries are no longer valid after this number of seconds, starting at the time of insertion.
=> SNat maxAgeSeconds
-- ^ The ARP entry will expire after this many seconds
-> Circuit (ArpLookup dom, Df dom ArpEntry) ()
-- ^ First of LHS is a MAC lookup request for that IPv4 address.
-- Second of LHS is an insertion request.
arpTable SNat SNat = Circuit (hideReset ckt)
-- ^ First of LHS is a MAC address request for the given IPv4 address. Second of LHS is an insertion request
arpTable SNat = fromSignals ckt
ckt reset ((lookupReq, insertReq), ()) = ((arpResponse, outReady), ())
ckt ((lookupReq, insertReq), ()) = ((arpResponse, pure (Ack True)), ())
-- The underlying blockram.
tableEntry = blockRam1 NoClearOnReset (SNat @(2^depth)) (errorX "", 0) readAddr writeCmd

-- Hashes of the IPv4 addresses, used to address the blockram.
-- We simply take the last `depth` bits of the IPv4 address.
lookupWithHash :: Signal dom (Maybe (IPv4Address, Unsigned depth))
lookupWithHash = fmap (\ipAddr -> (ipAddr, resize $ bitCoerce ipAddr)) <$> lookupReq

insertionWithHash :: Signal dom (Maybe (ArpEntry, Unsigned depth))
insertionWithHash = fmap (\entry -> (entry, resize $ bitCoerce (_arpIP entry))) <$> fmap Df.dataToMaybe insertReq

readAddr :: Signal dom (Unsigned depth)
writeCmd :: Signal dom (Maybe (Unsigned depth, (ArpEntry, Index (maxAgeSeconds + 1))))
(outReady, readAddr, writeCmd, arpResponse) =
unbundle (mealy arpTableT (Active False) input)

input = bundle
( unsafeToActiveHigh reset
, tableEntry
, insertionWithHash
, lookupWithHash
, secondTimer
arpEntry :: Signal dom (ArpEntry, Index (maxAgeSeconds + 1))
arpEntry = register (errorX "empty initial content", 0) writeCommand

secondTimer = riseEvery (SNat @(10^12 `Div` DomainPeriod dom))
writeCommand = fmap go (bundle (insertReq, arpEntry, secondTimer))
go (req, (entry, secondsLeft), secondPassed) = case req of
Df.NoData -> (entry, if secondPassed then satPred SatBound secondsLeft else secondsLeft)
Df.Data reqEntry -> (reqEntry, maxBound)

arpResponse = fmap go (bundle (lookupReq, arpEntry))
go (ip, (entry, timeLeft)) = ip >>= \ipAddr ->
if timeLeft == 0 || _arpIP entry /= ipAddr
then Just ArpEntryNotFound
else Just (ArpEntryFound (_arpMac entry))
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Clash/Cores/Ethernet/Examples/FullUdpStack.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ arpIcmpUdpStackC
-> Signal dom (IPv4Address, IPv4Address)
-- ^ My IP address and the subnet
-> Circuit (PacketStream dom dataWidth (IPv4Address, UdpHeaderLite)) (PacketStream dom dataWidth (IPv4Address, UdpHeaderLite))
-- ^ UDP handler circuit
-- ^ Reversed UDP handler circuit
-> Circuit (PacketStream dom dataWidth EthernetHeader) (PacketStream dom dataWidth EthernetHeader)
arpIcmpUdpStackC macAddressS ipS udpCkt = circuit $ \ethIn -> do
[arpEthIn, ipEthIn] <- packetDispatcherC (routeBy _etherType $ 0x0806 :> 0x0800 :> Nil) -< ethIn
Expand Down
113 changes: 113 additions & 0 deletions src/Clash/Cores/Ethernet/Examples/UdpCoreStack.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
{-# language FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# language RecordWildCards #-}

module Clash.Cores.Ethernet.Examples.UdpCoreStack where

-- import prelude
import Clash.Prelude

-- import ethernet
import Clash.Cores.Ethernet.Arp
import Clash.Cores.Ethernet.Examples.RxStacks
import Clash.Cores.Ethernet.Examples.TxStacks
import Clash.Cores.Ethernet.IP.IPPacketizers
import Clash.Cores.Ethernet.Mac.EthernetTypes ( EthernetHeader(..), MacAddress(..) )

import Clash.Cores.Ethernet.IP.EthernetStream
import Clash.Cores.Ethernet.IP.IPv4Types

-- import protocols
import Protocols
import Protocols.Extra.PacketStream
import Protocols.Extra.PacketStream.PacketBuffer ( packetBufferC )
import Protocols.Extra.PacketStream.Routing

import Clash.Cores.Crc ( HardwareCrc )
import Clash.Cores.Crc.Catalog ( Crc32_ethernet )

import Clash.Cores.Ethernet.Icmp ( icmpEchoResponderC )
import Clash.Cores.Ethernet.Udp

-- | Full stack from ethernet to ethernet.
:: forall
(dataWidth :: Nat)
(dom :: Domain)
(domEthRx :: Domain)
(domEthTx :: Domain)
. KnownDomain dom
=> KnownDomain domEthRx
=> KnownDomain domEthTx
=> HardwareCrc Crc32_ethernet 8 dataWidth
=> KnownNat dataWidth
=> 1 <= dataWidth
=> 1 <= DomainPeriod dom
=> DomainPeriod dom <= 5 * 10^11
=> KnownNat (DomainPeriod dom)
=> HiddenClockResetEnable dom
=> Clock domEthRx
-> Reset domEthRx
-> Enable domEthRx
-> Clock domEthTx
-> Reset domEthTx
-> Enable domEthTx
-> Signal dom MacAddress
-- ^ My mac address
-> Signal dom (IPv4Address, IPv4Address)
-- ^ Tuple of my IP and subnet mask
-- Input tuple is UDP packets to transmit including destination IP and input from Phy
-- Output tuple are the incoming UDP packets including the destination IP and output to Phy
-> Circuit
(PacketStream dom dataWidth (IPv4Address, UdpHeaderLite), PacketStream domEthRx 1 ())
(PacketStream dom dataWidth (IPv4Address, UdpHeaderLite), PacketStream domEthTx 1 ())
fullStackC rxClk rxRst rxEn txClk txRst txEn macS ipS = circuit $ \(udpOut, phyIn) -> do
ethIn <- macRxStack @dataWidth rxClk rxRst rxEn macS -< phyIn
udpOutBuffered <- packetBufferC d10 d4 -< udpOut
(udpIn, ethOut) <- arpIcmpUdpStackC macS ipS -< (udpOutBuffered, ethIn)
udpInBuffered <-packetBufferC d10 d4 -< udpIn
phyOut <- macTxStack txClk txRst txEn -< ethOut
idC -< (udpInBuffered, phyOut)

:: forall (dataWidth :: Nat) (dom :: Domain)
. HiddenClockResetEnable dom
=> KnownNat dataWidth
=> 1 <= dataWidth
=> 1 <= DomainPeriod dom
=> DomainPeriod dom <= 5 * 10^11
=> KnownNat (DomainPeriod dom)
=> Signal dom MacAddress
-- ^ My MAC Address
-> Signal dom (IPv4Address, IPv4Address)
-- ^ My IP address and the subnet
-> Circuit
(PacketStream dom dataWidth (IPv4Address, UdpHeaderLite), PacketStream dom dataWidth EthernetHeader)
(PacketStream dom dataWidth (IPv4Address, UdpHeaderLite), PacketStream dom dataWidth EthernetHeader)
arpIcmpUdpStackC macAddressS ipS = circuit $ \(udpOut, ethIn) -> do
[arpEthIn, ipEthIn] <- packetDispatcherC (routeBy _etherType $ 0x0806 :> 0x0800 :> Nil) -< ethIn
ipIn <- filterMetaS (isForMyIp <$> ipS) <| ipDepacketizerLiteC -< ipEthIn
(udpIn, ipOut) <- icmpUdpStackC ipS -< (udpOut, ipIn)
(ipEthOut, arpLookup) <- toEthernetStreamC macAddressS <| ipLitePacketizerC -< ipOut
arpEthOut <- arpC d300 d2 d6 macAddressS (fst <$> ipS) -< (arpEthIn, arpLookup)
ethOut <- packetArbiterC RoundRobin -< [arpEthOut, ipEthOut]
idC -< (udpIn, ethOut)
isForMyIp (ip, subnet) (_ipv4lDestination -> to) = to == ip || to == ipv4Broadcast ip subnet

:: forall (dataWidth :: Nat) (dom :: Domain)
. HiddenClockResetEnable dom
=> KnownNat dataWidth
=> 1 <= dataWidth
=> Signal dom (IPv4Address, IPv4Address)
-- ^ My IP address and the subnet
-> Circuit
(PacketStream dom dataWidth (IPv4Address, UdpHeaderLite), PacketStream dom dataWidth IPv4HeaderLite)
(PacketStream dom dataWidth (IPv4Address, UdpHeaderLite), PacketStream dom dataWidth IPv4HeaderLite)
icmpUdpStackC ipS = circuit $ \(udpOut, ipIn) -> do
[icmpIn, udpIn] <- packetDispatcherC (routeBy _ipv4lProtocol $ 0x0001 :> 0x0011 :> Nil) -< ipIn
icmpOut <- icmpEchoResponderC @dom @dataWidth (fst <$> ipS) -< icmpIn
udpInParsed <- udpDepacketizerC -< udpIn
udpOutParsed <- udpPacketizerC (fst <$> ipS) -< udpOut
ipOut <- packetArbiterC RoundRobin -< [icmpOut, udpOutParsed]
idC -< (udpInParsed, ipOut)

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