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Tooling for WIT

The tool which generates/plots the wit data examples/wit/

The virtual product recipe aux/fc_pd.yaml

The job submit script aux/*.sh

Version info


  • First working version of wit

2.1: DOI

  • Deal with large polygons crossing multiple path/rows
  • Compute overlapping polygons correctly
  • Popularize the names and titles of output csv and png file with the selected properties from shape file
  • Mark not enough observations (less than 4 per year) in the plots
  • Add functionality of dumping csvs in database
  • Add functionality of zipping output pngs and csvs
  • Add auto checking sanity of the shape file
  • Fix minor bugs

How to generate wit data with the tool


OpenMPI >= 4.0.1.


dea_tools to retrieve the waterbody polygons

A database with postgis enabled

Other auxilliary data/scripts/shapefiles...


  • OpenMPI 4.0 can be manually installed or on NCI by module load openmpi/4.0.1

  • Install wit_tooling

cd $yourworkfolder
git clone [email protected]:GeoscienceAustralia/wit_tooling.git
cd wit_tooling
pip install --user -e .

Note: substitute $yourworkfolder accordingly.

How To:

cd $yourworkfolder/wit_tooling/examples/wit

One'll need four steps.

  • Collect all the polygons intersect with/contained by the landsat path/row and ouput the results as txt in $out. Two reasons: 1. Aggregate by time if the polygon(s) would cover more than one path/row; 2. See Secondly in Section Why

mpirun python -m mpi4py.futures wit-pathrow --output-location $out $shapefile


mpirun python -m mpi4py.futures wit-pathrow --output-location /g/data1a/u46/users/ea6141/wlinsight/sadew/new /g/data1a/u46/users/ea6141/wlinsight/shapefiles/waterfowlandwetlands_3577.shp

with $out = /g/data1a/u46/users/ea6141/wlinsight/sadew/new,

and $shapefile=/g/data1a/u46/users/ea6141/wlinsight/shapefiles/waterfowlandwetlands_3577.shp.

Or specially for the polygons from DEA waterbodies

mpirun python -m mpi4py.futures wit-pathrow --geo-hash $hashlist --output-location $out

where $hashlist is a file of geohash list of the waterbody polygons.

Note: in this case, $shapefile has to be left as default = None.

The results in your output folder would look like:

[ea6141@vdi-n24 wlinsight]$ ls sadew/new
contain_22.txt  contain_265.txt  contain_266.txt  contain_267.txt  contain_268.txt  contain_518.txt  contain_519.txt

Results filenames will either start with contain or with intersect. Full filename convention will look like contain_$id.txt. The naming convention contain means that all the polygons are either contained by the feature or the area of the intersection between the polygon and the feature is more than 90% of the area of the polygon. The feature here is the feature $id representing a landsat path row in the landsat path/row shapefile. For instance, the content of contain_22.txt would be

[ea6141@vdi-n24 wlinsight]$ cat sadew/new/contain_22.txt 

Where 71..110 are the feature $id representing the polygons in your input $shapefile.

When a polygon has a large area such that no single path/row would intersect with the polygon for more than 90% of the area. The intersect between polygons and path/row would be listed as

[ea6141@vdi-n24 wlinsight]$ cat anae/done/intersect_16_17_18_739_740_741.txt 

which means polygon feature 417688 in $shapefile intersects with path/row 16, 17, 17, 749, 740 and 741. In such case, an aggregation over time slice is required in wit-cal by setting --aggregate 15.

  • Query the datacube database with results from the last step. Reason: See Firstly in Section Why.

mpirun python -m mpi4py.futures wit-query --input-folder $in --output-location $out --union True --product-yaml $pd_yaml $shapefile

Here $in is $out from the last step

--union True means that we want to union all the polygons and query with the unioned shape. If we set --union False, it will query by the shape of path/row. Usually --union True is a better idea, especially the tree algorithm is used and parallelized by MPI. It is faster than the time that is spent in querying by a larger shape and reading larger amount of data. The later slows down computation the most and reduces efficiency.

$pd_yaml is virtual product recipe


mpirun python -m mpi4py.futures wit-query --input-folder /g/data1a/u46/users/ea6141/wlinsight/sadew/new --output-location /g/data1a/u46/users/ea6141/wlinsight/sadew/query --union True --product-yaml /g/data1a/u46/users/ea6141/wlinsight/fc_pd.yaml /g/data1a/u46/users/ea6141/wlinsight/shapefiles/waterfowlandwetlands_3577.shp.

Or for the polygons from DEA waterbodies

mpirun python -m mpi4py.futures wit-query --geo-hash $hashlist --input-folder $in --output-location $out --union True --product-yaml $pd_yaml

The result would look like

[ea6141@vdi-n24 wlinsight]$ ls sadew/query/
22.pkl  265.pkl  266.pkl  267.pkl  268.pkl  518.pkl  519.pkl

where each .pkl file holds the datasets from the query from each path/row, e.g., 22.pkl has the datasets from contain_22.txt.

  • Perform the computation (Finally)

This step generates the results and saves them into database. A computational node with enough memory is required. Scripts of processing a single path/row and in bulk are provided, refer for more details.

mpirun python -m mpi4py.futures wit-cal --feature-list $feature --datasets $datasets --aggregate $aggregate --product-yaml $pd_yaml $shapefile

$feature is a txt file in folder $in from the last step, which contains all the polygons to be computed together;

$datasets is a pkl file in folder $out from the last step, which contains datasets results from query;

$aggregate is a nonnegative integer, where $aggregate > 0 means no single path/row contains the polygon(s) so that the aggregation over time is required and the number of days is defined by the value of $int, e.g., if a polygon croseses only two path/rows, possibly$aggregate = 15; $aggregate = 0 means no aggregating is needed. Note, this can be told from the file name of $feature

For details of how the aggregation works, refer to the WIT documentation #fixme add link


mpirun python -m mpi4py.futures wit-cal --feature-list /g/data1a/u46/users/ea6141/wlinsight/sadew/new/contain_22.txt --datasets /g/data1a/u46/users/ea6141/wlinsight/sadew/query/22.pkl --aggregate 0 --product-yaml /g/data1a/u46/users/ea6141/wlinsight/fc_pd.yaml /g/data1a/u46/users/ea6141/wlinsight/shapefiles/waterfowlandwetlands_3577.shp

Or deal with the large polygons not contained by a single path/row, set --aggregate 15 typically, i.e., mpirun python -m mpi4py.futures wit-cal --feature-list /g/data1a/u46/users/ea6141/wlinsight/anae/intersect_16_17_18_739_740_741.txt --datasets /g/data1a/u46/users/ea6141/wlinsight/anane/query/16_17_18_739_740_741.pkl --aggregate 15 --product-yaml /g/data1a/u46/users/ea6141/wlinsight/fc_pd.yaml /g/data1a/u46/users/ea6141/wlinsight/shapefiles/waterfowlandwetlands_3577.shp

For the polygons in DEA waterbodies, do

mpirun python -m mpi4py.futures wit-cal --geo-hash $hashlist --feature-list $feature --datasets $datasets --aggregate $aggregate --product-yaml $pd_yaml

  • Plot the data

python wit-plot --output-location $folder --feature $id -n $property_1 -n $property_2 $shapefile

$folder is where to store the csvs and pngs;

$id is id in shape file $shapefile, it can be left to default(None) such that all the polygons will be processed;

$property_1, $property_2 is used to populate the output filename and plot title, it can be an entry in properties of polygons in the shape file $shapefile, or left as default(None) to be id;


python wit-plot --output-location sadew/results -n Site_Name shapefiles/waterfowlandwetlands_3577.shp , where Site_Name is an entry under properties for each polygon in the shapefile.

For the polygons in DEA waterbodies, do

python wit-plot --geo-hash $hashlist --output-location $folder --feature $id -n hash,

where -n hash is to specify the output file named by the geohash of the waterbody polygon.

The results look like:

[ea6141@vdi-n24 wlinsight]$ ls sadew/results/
100_Lake St Clair.csv                     33_Aldinga Scrub Washpool area, Acacia Tce.csv                  67_Park Hill.csv
100_Lake St Clair.png                     33_Aldinga Scrub Washpool area, Acacia Tce.png                  67_Park Hill.png
101_Sheepwash Swamp.csv                   34_Boggy Lake.csv                                               68_Big Reedy.csv
101_Sheepwash Swamp.png                   34_Boggy Lake.png                                               68_Big Reedy.png
102_Lake George.csv                       35_Myponga Reservoir.csv                                        69_Jaffray Swamp.csv
102_Lake George.png                       35_Myponga Reservoir.png                                        69_Jaffray Swamp.png
103_Oschar Swamp.csv                      36_Tolderol Game Reserve.csv                                    6_Lake Woolpolool.csv
103_Oschar Swamp.png                      36_Tolderol Game Reserve.png                                    6_Lake Woolpolool.png
104_Iluka.csv                             37_Finniss River.csv                                            70_Lake Nadzeb.csv
104_Iluka.png                             37_Finniss River.png                                            70_Lake Nadzeb.png
105_Mullins Swamp.csv                     38_Finniss River.csv                                            71_Schofield Swamp.csv
105_Mullins Swamp.png                     38_Finniss River.png                                            71_Schofield Swamp.png


I know the workflow is a bit (or very?) stupid but just hear me out. First, datacube query will block you forever if you don't play nice with it and you don't want to waste time/ksu (or whatever it costs). Secondly, i/o slows down things a lot if open/close file happens too often, so we want to read in as much as we can when a file is opened. Partially datacube query reason stands here as well. Last, you want to do many small polygons all at once with parallization, current case, which is MPI/OpenMP

Run wit-cal in bulk:

Normal case, wit-pathrow and wit-query doesn't require a PBS job, both can run comfortably and efficiently with resource on VDI. However, if you prefer to run it with a PBS job, a single node with ncpus=9,mem=36GB is enough.

Refer on how to submit job to run wit-cal parallelly in bulk on NCI