Compresses 3D tiles (*.b3dm or *.glb) almost 5000 times using Google Draco (
This tool does the following:
Loops through all b3dm files in currrent directory, for each file do:
Unpack b3dm to glb file + batch table file (using b3dm unpack)
Run Draco compression (using gltf-pipeline)
Pack glb to b3dm file (using b3dm pack)
Remove the temporary glb file and batch file
Loops through all glb files in currrent directory, for each file do:
- Run Draco compression (using gltf-pipeline)
When parameter -o (outlines) is true, the tool will use --draco.compressionLevel=0 to keep the outlines of the 3D tiles.
Input b3dm/glb will be overwritten;
Running this tool multiple times will give an error.
$ docker build -t compressor5000 .
Run from folder where b3dms or glb files are located.
$ docker run -v $(pwd):/tiles -it compressor5000
To keep the outlines of the 3D tiles, use:
$ docker run -v $(pwd):/tiles -it compressor5000 -o true
2024-05-17: added option to keep outlines of 3D Tiles (using draco.compressionLevel=0)
2024-03-07: also compresses glb files
2023-08-21: using parallel processes
2020-05-08: Initial coding