NetworkAPI is a neat, robust rapper for Space Engineers network transactions. It has been designed to streamline multiplayer development.
is a genaric class that contains all the tools you need for syncing individual variables.
using SENetworkAPI;
[MyEntityComponentDescriptor(typeof(MyObjectBuilder_UpgradeModule), true, "ANewModBlock")]
public class ANewModBlock : MyGameLogicComponent
// declare properties
NetSync<bool> isActive;
public override void Init(MyObjectBuilder_EntityBase objectBuilder)
ushort comChannel 1234; // the mod communication channel
string ModName = "Hello World"; // this will show up as the sender for any chat message notifications
string Keyword = "/hello" // Keyword is used for chat commands
if (!NetworkAPI.IsInitialized)
NetworkAPI.Init(comChannel, ModName, Keyword);
// initialize
isActive = new NetSync<bool>(this, TransferType.Both, false);
public override void UpdateOnceBeforeFrame()
if (/* some logic */)
isActive.Value = true; // syncs new value across the network
Once you have initialized a NetSync
syncing data to everything is as simple as:
NetSync.Value = 1234;
NetSync does not know if you have changed the internals of a complex objects but you can sync at anytime.
NetSync.Value.innerVariable = "hi";
You may not want to sync a veriable all the time. In those cases use.
There are times you will want to perform some action if data has been updated
Action<oldval, newval> ValueChanged // triggers any time the value changes
Action<oldval, newval, sender> ValueChangedByNetwork // triggers when receives an update from the network
NetSync.ValueChangedByNetwork += On_ValueChangedByNetwork;
private void On_ValueChangedByNetwork(string oldval, string newval, ulong sender)
NetworkAPI.Say($"the new value is {newval}!");
void Fetch(); // requests the active value from server
void Push(); // syncs the current value manually
void SetValue(value, SyncType); // allows you to set the value without syncing and more
Action<oldval, newval> ValueChanged; // triggers any time the value changes
Action<oldval, newval, sender> ValueChangedByNetwork; // triggers when receives an update from the network
Action BeforeFetchResponse;
Network blobs have two different types of commands Network
and Chat
As seen above. The process of sending a command requires a CommandString
and a Callback
Network.RegisterNetworkCommand("update", ServerCallback);
If a help
chat command is registered
Network.RegisterChatCommand("help", Chat_Help);
Then the event will fire when a client enters the following into chat.
<keyword> help
All chat commands are delimited with spaces.
Network commands are much like chat commands. They differ only in that they trigger from network traffic instead of client chat.
Network.SendCommand("update"); // this will trigger the callback method of the reciever.
The Network.SendCommand()
funciton has a few options
Network.SendCommand(string command); // CommandString
Network.SendCommand(string command, string message); // A message that will be in clients chat
Network.SendCommand(string command, string message, byte[] data); // serialized object data
Network.SendCommand(string command, string message, byte[] data, ulong steamId); // The receiver, Server only
The Network
when runing on the server instance can be cast for more specialized functions
if (Network.NetworkType != NetworkTypes.Client)
Server s = Network as Server;
s.SendCommandTo(ulong[] clients, string command, ...)
s.SendCommandToPlayersInRange(Vector3D location, float radius, string command, ...)
using SENetworkAPI;
public class ANewSessionMod : MySessionComponentBase
private NetworkAPI Network => NetworkAPI.Instance; // readability
public override void Init(MyObjectBuilder_SessionComponent sessionComponent)
// Its recommended to check the initialized state in all classes using NetworkAPI
if (!NetworkAPI.IsInitialized)
NetworkAPI.Init(ComId, ModName, Keyword);
// these commands will be executed on both clients and server instances
Network.RegisterChatCommand(string.Empty, Chat_Help);
Network.RegisterChatCommand("help", Chat_Help);
if (!MyAPIGateway.Multiplayer.IsServer)
Network.RegisterNetworkCommand(null, ClientCallback);
Network.RegisterChatCommand("update", (arg) => { Network.SendCommand("update"); });
Network.RegisterNetworkCommand("update", ServerCallback);
private void Chat_Help(string arguments)
MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage(Network.ModName, "This is a useful help message");
private void ServerCallback(ulong steamId, string commandString, byte[] data)
Network.SendCommand(null, data: MyAPIGateway.Utilities.SerializeToBinary(cfg), steamId: steamId);
private void ClientCallback(ulong steamId, string commandString, byte[] data)
cfg = MyAPIGateway.Utilities.SerializeFromBinary<Config>(data);