QNanoPainter is a library for implementing custom C++ Qt QQuickItems. In a nutshell, it's like QQuickPaintedItem, but instead of QPainter offers own QNanoPainter API for drawing. QNanoPainter API is a mixture of QPainter and HTML5 canvas APIs. In other words, it's very close to HTML5 canvas but transformed to object oriented C++ with separate classes. The reason for QNanoPainter existence is to try offer performance, productivity and rendering quality all-in-one for custom Qt5 scene graph items.
QNanoPainter uses excellent NanoVG as its rendering backend.
Here is a non exhaustive list of QNanoPainter features:
- Vector drawing: Path-based drawing of rectangles, circles, lines etc. filled and/or stroked. Brush can be color, gradient or image pattern. Different cap and join options for stoked lines.
- Images: Transformed images or rectangular areas of images. Mipmapping for smoother rendering of scaled images.
- Text: Contains set of default fonts and supports loading custom truetype fonts. Text aligning and wrapping. Letter-spacing and blur for shadow/glow effect.
- Antialiasing: Adjustable antialiasing amount for vector drawing.
- Pixel aligning: Drawing and texts can be either freely positioned (smooth animations) or aligned to pixels (sharp rendering).
- Extra: Supports high-DPI retina resolutions, global alpha, transforms, painter states etc.
Taking QNanoPainter into use in your Qt application is simple:
- Copy 'libqnanopainter' directory into your project. Sources are included directly instead of building separate static/dynamic library which makes usage simple and allows easier customization of QNanoPainter itself.
- In your project .pro file, include QNanoPainter with something like:
- Implement your QNanoQuickItem and QNanoQuickItemPainter based classes (see more about these below or from available examples).
- Export your item into QML in main.cpp with something like:
qmlRegisterType<MyQNanoItem>("MyQNanoItem", 1, 0, "MyQNanoItem");
- Use your item in QML:
import QtQuick 2.4
import MyQNanoItem 1.0
Item {
MyQNanoItem {
anchors.fill: parent
To create own QNanoPainter item you should implement 2 classes:
- QNanoQuickItem: This will be the visual QQuickItem providing API towards QML side. Your painter will be created and attached to item in createItemPainter() method.
- QNanoQuickItemPainter: This will handle the drawing using QNanoPainter API in the paint() method. Data with the item will be transferred in synchronize() method.
The main reason for two classes is that these will run in separate threads for optimal performance. And because of this, all communication between these two need to happen in synchronize() method.
Here is a complete HelloWorld example item:
#include "qnanoquickitem.h"
#include "qnanoquickitempainter.h"
// HelloItemPainter contains the painting code
class HelloItemPainter : public QNanoQuickItemPainter
void paint(QNanoPainter *p)
// Paint the background circle
p->circle(width()*0.5, height()*0.5, width()*0.46);
QNanoRadialGradient gradient1(width()*0.5, height()*0.4, width()*0.6, width()*0.2);
// Hello text
p->fillText("HELLO", width()*0.5, height()*0.4);
// QNanoPainter text
QNanoFont font2(QNanoFont::DEFAULT_FONT_THIN);
p->fillText("QNanoPainter", width()*0.5, height()*0.5);
// HelloItem provides the API towards QML
class HelloItem : public QNanoQuickItem
HelloItem(QQuickItem *parent = 0)
: QNanoQuickItem(parent)
// Reimplement
QNanoQuickItemPainter *createItemPainter() const
// Create painter for this item
return new HelloItemPainter();
Sources contain API documentation written with QDoc. To generate the documentation:
> cd doc
> [Qt bin path]/qdoc qnanopainter.qdocconf
Documentation is work-in-progress, patches welcome =)
The library is licensed under zlib license.
- Uses Qt framework.
- Uses NanoVG library as rendering backend.
- Uses Google Fonts Roboto (and Pacifico in gallery example).
- Blog posts: