⚠️ WarningThis package was created to work with self-hosted versions of PostHog. It is not officially supported by PostHog and may not be compatible with the latest version of PostHog Cloud.
You can get PostHog.NET by grabbing the latest NuGet package.
Register the service
services.AddPostHog("api-key", config =>
config.Host = "example.com";
Inject IPostHogClient
private readonly IPostHogClient _postHogClient;
public WeatherForecastController(IPostHogClient postHogClient)
_postHogClient = postHogClient;
then call a desired method
var properties = new Properties()
.SetEventProperty("event", "value")
.SetUserProperty("user-property-to-set", "value") // $set equivalent
.SetUserPropertyOnce("user-property-to-set-once", "value"); // $set_once equivalent
_postHogClient.Capture("a86818cc-c84e-4453-9c48-d7bb636e7f2d", "Fetch weather forecast", properties);
Since event property values can be complex objects, you can also configure the JSON serialization options used to serialize the events:
services.AddPostHog("api-key", config =>
config.JsonSerializerOptions.Converters.Add(new JsonStringEnumConverter());
This library is largely based on the Analytics.NET package.