Final Project for CIS 565 GPU Programming, Fall 2013
This is work in progress.
About this project:
Alpha presentation:
Note 1:
Windows project references Alchemy. Git clone, set to release mode, build, and copy Alchemy.dll to Windows/WebSocketServer/WebSocketServer/lib/Alchemy.dll
Note 2:
Need admin privilege to run server.
Known Issues:
- There is a black stripe on the left side of the canvas regardless of input.
Windows project references Alchemy. Git clone, set to release mode, build, and copy Alchemy.dll to Windows/WebSocketServer/WebSocketServer/lib/Alchemy.dll
(tested on Ubuntu 12.04 precise)
- Build the libfreenect library by the following commands (there is something wrong to show the library directly in our repo):
cd libfreenect/wrapper/python
cmake CMakeLists.txt
sudo python install
- Download the newest version of easyInstall from and extract it in any directory
- Use the following commands to add the pylzma, autobahn.websocket module
sudo easy_install pylzman
sudo easy_install autobahn
This is the 3D Point Cloud show the depth with a control panel to tune the RGBA value, point size along with the morphing ratio of x and y axes.
Here is our video demo.
The base code for websocket and depth display is from Elespuru's github:
Elespuru forked his project from George MacKerron's depthcam project:
George MacKerron's blog: