On the previous class, we created a HOC:
Now we can use this HOC on a form!
- Create a const UserInfoForm that receive the HOC with the parameters
- The parameters are: an anonymous function (the component) with the props that the component is required and a user id
- Get data from this user (name and age)
- Create the inputs passing the value the value received from the desestructed component
- Pass the onChange value received from props
- Create a button to reset user passing the resetUser function prop
- Create a button to save user passing the postUser function prop
import { includeUpdatableUser } from "./include-updatable-user"; export const UserInfoForm = includeUpdatableUser( ({ updatableUser, changeHandler, userPostHandler, resetUserHandler }) => { const { name, age } = updatableUser || {}; return updatableUser ? ( <> <label> Name: <input value={name} onChange={(e) => changeHandler({ name: e.target.value })} /> </label> <label> Age: <input value={age} onChange={(e) => changeHandler({ age: Number(e.target.value) })} /> </label> <button onClick={resetUserHandler}>Reset</button> <button onClick={userPostHandler}>Save</button> </> ) : ( <h3>Loading...</h3> ); }, "3" );
On app, pass the following component created:
import { checkProps } from "./components/check-props"; import { includeUser } from "./components/include-user"; import { UserInfoForm } from "./components/user-form"; import { UserInfo } from "./components/user-info"; function App() { return ( <> <UserInfoForm /> </> ); } export default App;