Create an HOC that additional to fetching data from the server. It can post or edit data on the server.
- Set initial user
- Set user
- Get the current user from the server passing the user id and set user with this data
- Return the passing the user prop
- After, create the put and post function
- onChangeUser *Receive a prop called updates *Set the user with the current user data with the updated data *Pass the function as a prop on the Component
- onPostUser *Create a axios post passing the url and the user data into the body of the request *Set the initial user with the current user data setted on the server *Pass the function as a prop on the Component
- Create a reset function
- This function is going to take caree of updating this state with the value of the initial user.
import { useEffect, useState } from "react"; import axios from "axios"; export const includeUpdatableUser = (Component, userId) => { return (props) => { const [user, setUser] = useState(null); const [updatableUser, setUpdatableUser] = useState(null); useEffect(() => { (async () => { const response = await axios.get(`/users/${userId}`); setUser(response.data); setUpdatableUser(response.data); })(); }, []); const userChangeHandler = (updates) => { setUpdatableUser({ ...updatableUser, ...updates }); }; const userPostHandler = async () => { const response = await axios.post(`/users/${userId}`, { user: updatableUser, }); setUser(response.data); setUpdatableUser(response.data); }; const resetUserHandler = () => { setUpdatableUser(user); }; return ( <Component {...props} updatableUser={updatableUser} changeHandler={userChangeHandler} userPostHandler={userPostHandler} resetUserHandler={resetUserHandler} /> ); }; };