Welcome to my personal practical project where I have built a fully functional DApp consisting of a Solidity smart contract connected to the Ethereum blockchain, paired with MetaMask web3 implementation, and of course client-side application UI. GOALS
- To deploy a simple Smart Contract using Truffle or Remix IDE in Ganache CLI – command version of Ganache, a personal Ethereum blockchain perfect for our development purposes.
- A simple JavaScript app, which will interact with the contract using Web3 API and MetaMask.
- To utilize IPFS in storing binary data. For the example, sheltered cat images will not be stored in the contract, but in IPFS. The contract should only store a representation of the images using the IPFS hash.
- NodeJS v13.5.0 NodeJS Download
- NPM v9.5.0
- MetaMask v7.7.8
- IPFS v0.4.23 IPFS Download
- Ganache CLI v6.12.2
npm install [email protected]
- Ganache v7.8.0
- Truffle v5.3.9 or Able to access Remix IDE
- Truffle Assertations v0.9.2
- Web3 v1.5.3
- Solc v0.8.4
- Solidity Coverage v0.7.22
- @OpenZeppelin / Test-Helpers v0.5.16
- Serve v11.3.0
Let's rescue these cats folks!
- Open the repo locally and open the commnand line at the project file path
- Install all the dependencies that are listed above
- Run
npm install
- Run
- Check to make sure dependencies got installed (all will be listed but IPFS and MetaMask, that will be done next)
- Install all the dependencies that are listed above
- Download IPFS using the link provided above
- Install IPFS either into your file path or elsewhere on your machine and follow the download instructions
- Open IPFS in a separate command line under the path it was downloaded to
- Run
- Run
- Locate and show the ipfs config file to see if
- Run
ipfs config show
- Run
- If it does not, set the API HTTP CORS header to
so there will be CORS errors in the browser- Run
ipfs config edit
- Check the config file again to make sure the edit was made
- Run
- Start the IPFS Daemon and it will say
Daemon is ready
- Run
ipfs deamon
- Run
- Start the Ganache Client in a seperate terminal in the project file path
- Run
- Take note of the RPC server started listing the 10 Accounts with their resepctive private key
- Run
- Download MetaMask Chrome browser extension and login
- Once logged-in, switch to the Local Network of 8545 which connects it to Ganache
- Import two of the private keys from the started Ganache RPC server
- One of the keys is to be the contract creator account (the cat rescue owner)
- The other key is a user (a patron of the cat rescue)
- Deploy the Solidity smart contract
- Run
npx truffle migrate
- Make sure in the public/index.js file line 8 the catRescueContractAddress is equal to the deployed contract address
- Run
- Start and run the application in a separate terminal in the project file path
- Run
npm start
- Run
- To run solidity coverage to see our test coverage (should cover 100% of lines)
- Run
npx truffle run coverage
- Run
- In the browser go to: CATRESCUE or enter
- This is the endpoint where the Cat Rescue runs after starting the application as described above
- Here you will see the homepage and the other tabs for navigating the site
- "Home" tab will take the user to the homepage of the site and can see information about the Cat Rescue
- Here it is recommended to click on the chrome browser
button in the upper right hand corner which looks like a puzzle piece - Select the MetaMask extension, login, and connect to the wallet you wish to use
- Here it is recommended to click on the chrome browser
- "Shelter Cat" tab will take the user to a page where the contract owner can rescue (upload) a new cat to the Cat Rescue
- Fill out the form:
- Cat Name: enter the name of the new cat going into the Cat Rescue
- Cat Gender: input the age of this new cat (either male or female)
- Cat Age: enter the new cat's age
- Cat Description: fill out a short but enticing description of the newest addition to the Cat Rescue
- Cat Availability: this is a booleen value (true or false) and upon adding a new kitty to the rescue this should be
- Choose File: press this button to be given access to your computer's files and select the image to be used for the new cat in the rescue
- Click "Submit" to add the new ball of fluff to the Cat Rescue
- The MetaMask Page will automatically pop-up to complete the blockchain transaction using the contract owner address
- A notification banner will drop down showing the contract owner's Transaction Hash and a message
- Fill out the form:
- "View All Cats" tab will take the user to a page where the user may view all of the Cat Rescue's wonderful kitties
- If there are currently no cats in the shelter, the user will see a message expressing this
- "View Specific Cats" tab will take the user to a page where the user can enter the index of a certain special cat they wish to see
- Enter:
- Cat's Index: the index of the cat the user wishes to view, to find the index for a kitty go to the "View All Cats" tab
- Click the "Submit" button to either return the desired cat or display an error message
- Enter:
- "Adopt Cat" tab will take the user to a page where the user can adopt a cat from the Cat Rescue
- Users may only adopt one cat per person/address
- May only adopt a cat that has the "Cat Availability" marked as
- Fill out the form:
- Your Name: enter the user's name
- Your Gender: input the user's gender (either male or female)
- Your Age: enter the user's age
- Cat's Name To Adopt: enter the name of the cat the user wants to adopt
- Cat's Index: enter the index of the cat the user wants to adopt
- Click the "Submit" button to go ahead with the adoption
- The MetaMask Page will automatically pop-up to complete the blockchain transaction using the user's address
- A notification banner will drop down showing the user's Transaction Hash and a message
- "Donate To The Cat Rescue" tab will take the user to the Cat Rescue's donation page where users may contribute their very own donation to help the kitties
- All donations to the Cat Rescue are final, sorry no refunds
- Users fill out the short form:
- Donation Amount: enter the desired value the user wishes to donate to the rescue
- Click the "Submit" button to make the donation
- The MetaMask Page will automatically pop-up to complete the blockchain transaction using the user's address
- A notification banner will drop down showing the user's Transaction Hash and a message
- "Return Cat" tab will take the user to the page where the user may return their adopted cat back to the shelter
- All returns must be conducted within 24 hours of adoption or else the return will not be accepted
- Fill out the single form input:
- Cat's Index: the index of the cat the user adopted and now wishes to return
- Click the "Submit" button to make the return final
- The MetaMask Page will automatically pop-up to complete the blockchain transaction using the user's address
- A notification banner will drop down showing the user's Transaction Hash and a message