Colab Helper is a Flutter Android app to help people add songs into collaborative playlists and interact with friends.
This application is for portfolio purposes and is not finished.
- Autommatically sync with spotify account
- Check if spotify is installed on device
- Reconnect dialog when spotify sync is lost
- View all playlists
- Follow/Unfollow an artist
- Follow/Unfollow a playlist
- Access liked songs
- Reorder songs in a playlist
- Add more songs to a playlist
- Playlists
- Albums
- Artist
- Podcasts
- Profiles
- Player context
- Content Cover Image
- Play/Pause a song
- Skip/Back track (unlimited just for premium users)
- 15 seconds foward/backwards in podcasts
- Queue list (just for premium users)
- Devices list (for free users this page is visualization only)
- Add content to library button (like button)
- See a friend's progress bar if that friend is listening to the same song
- Search for friends in Colab App
- View the last song your friends were listening to
- Group chat to send previews of songs and decide whether the song should be added to a collaborative playlist
- English
- Portuguese brazilian
- System
- Light mode
- Dark mode
Fork and clone the repository, then install the dependencies:
flutter pub get
If you want to build this project, you will need an appClientId and an appRedirectURI provided in the Spotify Developer Dashboard.
Create a new file called api-keys.json in the root of the project
"appClientId": "myAppClientId",
"appRedirectURI": "myAppRedirectURI"
Tip: typically appRedirectURI is http://localhost:8888/callback
Run the following to generate the translation files:
flutter gen-l10n
Start the app with the dart define from file command:
flutter run --dart-define-from-file api-keys.json
Also, please read this warning.
If you are from Spotify and there is something wrong/not allowed in the project, please contact me via email.
If you have any questions about the project, please contact me via email.
Email: [email protected]