A fullstack application that connects readers around the world with the goal of providing a space for readers to share their opinions, likes and dislikes on a book they are currently reading/read.
Link to project: https://papercuts-bookclub.onrender.com
Tech used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, Express
Fullstack application is made in an express environment using MVC architecture. The following packages were used to make this application possible: bcrypt, connect-mongo, dotenv, ejs, express, express-flash, express-session, method-override, mongodb, mongoose, nanoid, passport, passport-local, validator.
- Add the option for private and public bookclubs. If a bookclub is public, people all over the world can find it by the book and join it.
- Add user flairs, e.g. a spoiler flair that shows where a user is in the book.
- Learning to tailor information presented to a user based on their type of account. For example having one route, where clubmakers and readers can see their own version of the feed with added functionality for clubmakers.
- Working with custom made id's. Every club that is generated is given a unique id, this id can be used by readers to easily join clubs.