- A collection of long-term time lapse imagery from publicly accessible outdoor web cams around the world
- Explore how to use these images to learn about the world around us
- Understanding changes in natural environments and understanding how people use public spaces
- This dataset is unique in that it contains images from significantly more scenes than in previous work
- Images from each camera are captured several times per hour using a custom web crawler
- We use the format yyyymmdd_hhmmss.jpg (4 digits for year, and 2 digits each for month, day, hour minute, and second)
Python version python3.6.6
pip install -r requirements.txt
Download most recent Postgres databse here
- While installing - choose all default settings
- Choose admin password
Export database url on terminal
export DATABASE_URL="postgressql://postgres:YOURADMINPASSWORD@localhost/postgres"
Create tables for database
python manage.py db init
python manage.py db migrate
python manage.py db upgrade
Run the server locally
python app.py
- visit