This repository contains the files used to solve the auction platform project of the Computer Networks subject from the Computer Science and Engineering course @ Instituto Superior Técnico (1st Semester - 2023/2024).
After cloning the repository onto the main device, compile both the server and client executables using this command:
Navigate to the ASDIR
directory and run this command:
./AS [-p SERVER_PORT] [-v]
Optionally, you can specify a server port with the -p
argument (if ommitted, it will use port 58057
), or run the server in verbose mode with -v
In a second terminal, run the client application using this command:
./client [-n SERVER_IP] [-p SERVER_PORT]
If the -n
flag is ommitted, the client will connect to a server in localhost
; if the -p
flag is ommitted, the client will connect to a server in the port 58057
Below is a copy of the project statement.
The goal of this project is to implement a simple auction platform. Users can open (host) an auction to sell some asset, and close it, as well list ongoing auctions and make bids.
The development of the project requires implementing an Auction Server (AS) and a User Application (User). The AS and multiple User application instances are intended to operate simultaneously on different machines connected to the Internet.
The AS will be running on a machine with known IP address and ports.
The interface, using the keyboard, allows the User application to control the actions to take:
Login. Each user is identified by a user ID
, a 6-digit IST student number, and a password composed of 8 alphanumeric (only letters and digits) characters. When the AS receives a login request it will inform of a successful or incorrect login attempt or, in case the UID was not present at the AS, register a new user. -
Open a new auction. The User application sends a message to the AS asking to open a new auction, providing a short description name (represented with up to 10 alphanumerical characters), an image (or other document file) of the asset to sell, the start value (represented with up to 6 digits), and the duration of the auction in seconds (represented with up to 5 digits). In reply, the AS informs if the request was successful, and the assigned auction identifier, AID, a 3-digit number.
Close ongoing auction. The User application sends a message to the AS asking to close an ongoing auction, which had been started by the logged in user. The AS will reply informing whether the auction was successfully closed, cancelling the sale, or if the auction time had already ended.
List auctions started by this user (myauctions). The User application asks the AS fora list of the auctions started by the logged in user. The AS will reply with the requested list, or an information that the user has not started any active auction.
List auctions for which this user made a bid (mybids). The User application asks the AS for a list of the auctions in which the logged in user has placed a bid. The AS will reply with the requested list, or an information that the user has not made a bid in any of the currently active auctions.
List all auctions. The User application asks the AS for a list of auctions. The AS will reply with the requested list, or an information that no auctions were yet started.
Show asset. For an ongoing auction, the User application asks the AS to send the file associated with the asset in sale for specified auction. In reply, the AS sends the required file, or an error message. The file is stored, and its name and the directory of storage are displayed to the user. Filenames are limited to a total of 24 alphanumerical characters (plus ‘-‘, ‘_’ and ‘.’), including the separating dot and the 3-letter extension: “nnn…”. The file size is limited to 10 MB, represented using a maximum of 8 digits.
Bid. The User application asks the AS to place a bid, with the indicated value, for the selected auction. The AS will reply reporting the result of the bid: accepted, refused (if value is not larger than the previous highest bid), or informing that the auction is no longer active.
Show record. The user asks the AS about the record of an auction. The AS will reply with information about the auction, including its name, start value, start time and duration, followed by a description of the received bids, including the bidder ID, the value and time of the bid, as well as an indication if the auction was finished and when.
Logout. The user can ask the AS server to terminate the interaction (logout).
Unregister. The user can ask the AS server to unregister this user.
Exit. The user can ask to exit the User application. If a user is still logged in, then the User application informs the user that the logout command should be executed first.
The implementation uses the application layer protocols operating according to the client-server paradigm, using the transport layer services made available by the socket interface. The applications to develop and the supporting communication protocols are specified in the following.
The program implementing the users of the auction platform (User) is invoked using:
./user [-n ASIP] [-p ASport]
is the IP address of the machine where the auction server (AS) runs. This is an optional argument. If this argument is omitted, the AS should be running on the same machine. -
is the well-known port (TCP and UDP) where the AS accepts requests. This is an optional argument. If omitted, it assumes the value 58000+GN, where GN is the group number.
Once the User application is running, it can open or close an auction, as well as check the status of the auctions started by this user application. The User application can ask for a list of currently active auctions, and then for a specific auction it can ask that the auction data be shown, to see the status of the bidding process, or to make a new bid. In the first login of a user its ID, UID, is used to register this user in AS server. The user also has the possibility to logout, unregister or exit the User application. After unregistering, a user may register again, issuing again a login command but defining a new password. All data existing in the server about a user from previous registrations is preserved, except for the password.
The commands supported by the User interface (using the keyboard for input) are:
UID password
– following this command the User application sends a message to the AS, using the UDP protocol, confirm the ID, UID, and password of this user, or register it if this UID is not present in the AS database. The result of the request should be displayed: successful login, incorrect login attempt, or new user registered. -
– the User application sends a message to the AS, using the UDP protocol, asking to logout the currently logged in user, with ID UID. The result of the request should be displayed: successful logout, unknown user, or user not logged in. -
– the User application sends a message to the AS, using the UDP protocol, asking to unregister the currently logged in user. A logout operation is also performed. The result of the request should be displayed: successful unregister, unknown user, or incorrect unregister attempt. -
– this is a request to exit the User application. If a user is still logged in the User application should inform the user to first execute the logout command. Otherwise, the application can be terminated. This is a local command, not involving communication with the AS. -
name asset_fname start_value timeactive
– the User application establishes a TCP session with the AS and sends a message asking to open a new auction, whose short description name is name, providing an image of the asset to sell, stored in the file asset_fname, indicating the start value for the auction, start_value, and the duration of the auction, timeactive. In reply, the AS sends a message indicating whether the request was successful, and the assigned auction identifier, AID, which should be displayed to the User. After receiving the reply from the AS, the User closes the TCP connection. -
– the User application sends a message to the AS, using the TCP protocol, asking to close an ongoing auction, with identifier AID, that had been started by the logged in user. The AS will reply informing whether the auction was successfully closed, cancelling the sale, or if the auction time had already ended. This information should be displayed to the User. After receiving the reply from the AS, the User closes the TCP connection. -
– the User application sends a message to the AS, using the UDP protocol, asking for a list of the auctions started by the logged in user, or auctions in which the logged in user has placed a bid. The AS will reply with the requested list, or an information that the user is not involved in any of the currently active auctions. This information should be displayed to the User. -
– the User application sends a message to the AS, using the UDP protocol, asking for a list of the auctions for which the logged in user has placed a bid. The AS will reply with the requested list, or an information that the user has no active auction bids. This information should be displayed to the User. -
– the User application sends a message to the AS, using the UDP protocol, asking for a list of the currently active auctions. The AS will reply with the requested list, or an information that no auctions are currently active. This information should be displayed to the User. -
– the User establishes a TCP session with the AS and sends a message asking to receive the image file of the asset in sale for auction number AID. In reply, the AS sends the required file, or an error message. The file is stored and its name and the directory of storage are displayed to the User. After receiving the reply from the AS, the user closes the TCP connection. -
AID value
AID value
– the User application sends a message to the AS, using the TCP protocol, asking to place a bid for auction AID of value value. The AS will reply reporting the result of the bid: accepted, refused (if value is not larger than the previous highest bid), or informing that the auction is no longer active. The user is not allowed to bid in an auction hosted by him. This information should be displayed to the User. After receiving the reply from the AS, the User closes the TCP connection. -
– the User application sends a message to the AS, using the UDP protocol, asking to see the record of auction AID. The AS will reply with the auction details, including the list of received bids and information if the auction is already closed. This information should be displayed to the User.
Only one messaging command can be issued at a given time.
The result of each interaction with the AS should be displayed to the user.
The program implementing the Auction Server (AS) is invoked with the command:
./AS [-p ASport] [-v]
is the well-known port where the AS server accepts requests, both in UDP and TCP. This is an optional argument. If omitted, it assumes the value 58000+GN, where GN is the number of the group.
The AS makes available two server applications, both with well-known port ASport, one in UDP, used for managing the auction and the bids, and the other in TCP, used to transfer the files with asset images to the User application.
If the –v option is set when invoking the program, it operates in verbose mode, meaning that the AS outputs to the screen a short description of the received requests (UID, type of request) and the IP and port originating those requests.
Each received request should start being processed once it is received.
The communication protocols used to implement the auction framework are described in this section. For the communication protocols UID is always sent using 6 digits.
Part of the interaction between the user application (User) and the auction server (AS) is supported by the UDP protocol. The related request and reply protocol messages to consider are:
LIN UID password
Following the login command the User application informs the AS that user UID, with password password, wants to login, to be able to participate in auctions. -
RLI status
In reply to a LIN request the AS checks if a user with ID UID is already registered. If so, the password password is checked, and for a correct match the AS takes note that the user is now logged in and replies with status = OK. For an incorrect match the reply status is NOK. If the user was not yet registered, the AS registers and logs in this user, storing the corresponding UID and password, and the reply status is REG. -
LOU UID password
Following the logout command the User application informs the AS that the currently logged in user, with ID UID, wants to logout. -
RLO status
In reply to a LOU request the AS checks if a user with ID UID is logged in. If so, the user is logged out and the reply status is OK. If the user was not logged in the reply status is NOK. If the user was not registered the reply status is UNR. -
UNR UID password
Following the unregister command the User application informs the AS that the currently logged in user, with ID UID, wants to unregister. -
RUR status
In reply to a UNR request the AS server checks if a user with ID UID is registered. If so, the user can be unregistered and the reply status is OK. If the user was not logged in the reply status is NOK. If the user was not registered the reply status is UNR. -
Following the myauctions command the User sends the AS a request to list the auctions started by user UID. -
RMA status[ AID state]*
In reply to a LMA request the AS reply status is NOK if user UID has no ongoing auctions. If the user is not logged in the reply status is NLG. If there are ongoing auctions for user UID the reply status is OK and a list of the identifiers AID and state for all ongoing auctions started by this user, separated by single spaces, is sent by the AS. state takes value 1 if the auction is active, or 0 otherwise. -
Following the mybids command the User sends the AS a request to list the auctions for which the user UID has made bids. -
RMB status[ AID state]*
In reply to a LMB request the AS reply status is NOK if user UID has no ongoing bids. If the user is not logged in the reply status is NLG. If there are ongoing bids for user UID the reply status is OK and a list of the identifiers AID and state for all ongoing auctions for which this user has placed bids, separated by single spaces, is sent by the AS. state takes value 1 if the auction is active, or 0 otherwise. -
Following the list command the User sends the AS an auction list request. -
RLS status[ AID state]*
In reply to a LST request the AS reply status is NOK if no auction was yet started. If there are ongoing auctions the reply status is OK and a list of the identifiers AID and state for all auctions, separated by single spaces, is sent by the AS. state takes value 1 if the auction is active, or 0 otherwise. -
Following the show_record command the User sends the AS a request for the record of auction AID. -
RRC status [host_UID auction_name asset_fname start_value start_date-time timeactive]
[ B bidder_UID bid_value bid_date-time bid_sec_time]*
[ E end_date-time end_sec_time]\n
In reply to a SRC request the AS reply status is NOK if the auction AID does not exist. Otherwise the reply status is OK followed by information about the ID host_UID of the user that started the auction, the auction name auction_name and the name of the file asset_fname with information about the item being sold, the minimum bid value start_value, and the start date and time start_date-time of the auction in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (19 bytes), as well as the duration of the auction timeactive in seconds (represented using 6 digits).
If this auction has received bids then a description of each bid is presented in a separate line starting with B and including: the ID of the user that place this bid bidder_UID, the bid value bid_value, the bid date and time bid_date-time in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (19 bytes), as well as the number of seconds elapsed since the beginning of the auction until the bid was made bid_sec_time (represented using 6 digits).
In case the auction is already closed there is one last line added to the reply including the date and time of the auction closing end_date-time in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (19 bytes), as well as the number of seconds elapsed since the beginning of the auction until the bid was made end_sec_time.
The User application should always display information about the received replies in a human friendly format.
In the above messages the separation between any two items consists of a single space.
means that field is optional.
means that several values of field can be included, separated by a space.
Each request or reply message ends with the character “\n”.
For replies including the status field it takes the value ERR when the syntax of the request message was incorrect or when the parameter values take invalid values.
If an unexpected protocol message is received, the reply is ERR.
The interaction between the player application (User) and the auction server (AS) for messaging related to the transfer of files is supported by the TCP protocol.
The related request and reply protocol messages to consider are:
OPA UID password name start_value timeactive Fname Fsize Fdata
Following the open command the User application opens a TCP connection with the AS and asks to open a new auction. The information sent includes:\- a short description name (a single word):
- the minimum selling value for the asset:
- the duration of the auction in minutes:
- the filename where an image of the asst to be sold is included:
- the file size in bytes:
- the contents of the selected file:
- a short description name (a single word):
ROA status [AID]
In reply to a OPA request the AS replies with status = NOK if the auction could not be started. If the user was not logged in the reply status is NLG. Otherwise the AS replies with status = OK, and sends a unique auction identifier AID.
A local copy of the asset file is stored using the filename Fname.
After receiving the reply message, the User closes the TCP connection with the AS. -
CLS UID password AID
Following the close command the User application opens a TCP connection with the AS and sends a request to close the auction with identifier AID, which had been opened by the logged in user, whose ID is UID. -
RCL status
In reply to a CLS request the AS replies informing whether it was able to close auction AID. The reply status is OK, if auction AID was ongoing, it was started by user UID, and could be successfully closed by the AS. If the user was not logged in the reply status is NLG. The status is EAU, if the auction AID does not exist. status is EOW, if the auction is not owned by user UID, and status is END, if auction AID owned by user UID has already finished.
After receiving the reply message, the User closes the TCP connection with the AS. -
Following the show_asset command the User application opens a TCP connection with the AS and asks to receive the image illustrating the asset for sale in auction AID. -
RSA status [Fname Fsize Fdata]
In reply to a SAS request the AS replies with status = OK and sends a file containing the image illustrative of the asset for sale. The information sent includes:- the filename
; - the file size
, in bytes; - the contents of the selected file (
The file is locally stored using the filename Fname.
The User displays the name and size of the stored file.
If there is no file to be sent, or some other problem, the AS replies with status = NOK.
After receiving the reply message, the User closes the TCP connection with the AS. - the filename
BID UID password AID value
Following the bid command the User application opens a TCP connection with the AS and sends the AS a request to place a bid, with value value, for auction AID. -
RBD status
In reply to a BID request the AS reply status is NOK if auction AID is not active. If the user was not logged in the reply status is NLG. If auction AID is ongoing the reply status is ACC if the bid was accepted. The reply status is REF if the bid was refused because a larger bid has already been placed previously. The reply status is ILG if the user tries to make a bid in an auction hosted by himself.
After receiving the reply message, the User closes the TCP connection with the AS.
The filenames Fname, are limited to a total of 24 alphanumerical characters (plus ‘-‘, ‘_’ and ‘.’), including the separating dot and the 3-letter extension: “nnn…”.
The file size Fsize is limited to 10 MB (10.106 B), being transmitted using a maximum of 8 digits.
In the above messages the separation between any two items consists of a single space.
Each request or reply message ends with the character “\n”.
If an unexpected protocol message is received, the reply will be ERR.
Make sure your code compiles and executes correctly in the development environment available in the labs LT4 or LT5.
The operation of your program, developed in C or C++, may need to use the following set of system calls:
Reading user information into the application:
; -
Manipulation of strings:
; -
UDP client management:
; -
UDP server management:
; -
UDP communication:
; -
TCP client management:
; -
TCP server management:
; -
TCP communication:
; -
Multiple inputs multiplexing:
Developed code should be adequately structured and commented.
The read()
and write()
system calls may read and write, respectively, a smaller
number of bytes than solicited – you need to ensure that your implementation still
works correctly.
The client and the server processes should not terminate abruptly in failure situations, such as these:
wrong protocol messages received by the server: an error message should be returned, as specified by the protocol;
wrong protocol messages received by the client: the interaction with the server is not continued and the user is informed;
error conditions from system calls: the programs should not terminate abruptly, avoiding cases of "segmentation fault" or "core dump".
W. Richard Stevens, Unix Network Programming: Networking APIs: Sockets and XTI (Volume 1), 2nd edition, Prentice-Hall PTR, 1998, ISBN 0-13-490012-X, chap. 5.
D. E. Comer, Computer Networks and Internets, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall, Inc, 1999, ISBN 0-13-084222-2, chap. 24.
Michael J. Donahoo, Kenneth L. Calvert, TCP/IP Sockets in C: Practical Guide for Programmers, Morgan Kaufmann, ISBN 1558608265, 2000
On-line manual, man command
Code Complete -
The project submission should include the source code of the programs implementing the User and the AS server, as well as the corresponding Makefile and the auto- avaliação excel file.
The makefile should compile the code and place the executables in the current directory.
Together with the project submission you should also include any auxiliary files needed for the project operation together with a readme.txt file.
The project submission is done by e-mail to the lab teacher, no later than December 15, 2023, at 23:59 PM.
You should create a single zip archive containing all the source code, makefile, all auxiliary files required for executing the project and the auto-avaliação excel file. The archive should be prepared to be opened to the current directory and compiled with the command make.
The name of the archive should follow the format: proj_group
You are encouraged to think about how to extend this protocol in order to make it more generic.