- Install the OMERO.insight plugin for Fiji (if you haven't already).
- Download the JAR file for the library.
- Download the JAR file for this plugin.
- Place these JAR files in your plugins folder and make sure to remove any previous version.
What's Changed
- Renamed project and switched to simple-omero-client 5.8.3 in #3
- Merged modifications in #5
- Made code improvements in #6
- Added command to only list objects belonging to a given user
- Split Overlay and RoiManager ROIs processing. Now only refresh saved ROIs after import.
- Added unlink function
- Added and improved tests
- Added codecov to CI
- Added option to load ROIs to Overlay instead of the ROI Manager
- Changed saveTableAsTXT to saveTableAsFile with delimiter of choice (default: ',')
Full Changelog: 1.0.0...1.1.0